ENG3044.kand - Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari, Luento-opetus, 12.9.2023-8.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2023 Search Courses: ENG3044.kand
English workshop 1
Completion requirements
1) the title page of the thesis
2) the introduction section (continuous text, not notes or extracts)
At the end of the text, please list questions or suggestions of topics that you would like us to discuss together in the workshop.
Please use this scheduler to sign up for the workshop 1.
In addition, submit the introduction section of your thesis - as it is at the moment - to MyCourses by 9.30 on 17.10. Please only include the requested pages (not the whole thesis template).
1) the title page of the thesis
2) the introduction section (continuous text, not notes or extracts)
At the end of the text, please list questions or suggestions of topics that you would like us to discuss together in the workshop.
Guests can't do anything here.