CHEM3048.kand - Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari, Opinnäytetyö alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa CHEM3048.kand, 14.9.2022-16.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 16.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: CHEM3048.kand
English workshop 2: sign up here!
Suorituksen vaatimukset
Submit your text sample for English workshop 2 section Palautukset/Submissions ONE WEEK prior to the workshop meeting. Be
prepared to share your text with the other students at the workshop and to give peer feedback.
Text sample 2 =
- Title page of the thesis
- Table of contents
- 3-4 pages from the thesis (continuous text from the beginning of a chapter)
- List of references
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