ENG3044.kand - Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari, Luento-opetus, 12.9.2023-8.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2023 Search Courses: ENG3044.kand
English workshop 1: submission of the text sample
Submit the current version of your thesis introduction here, but please only include the requested pages (not the whole thesis template).
Text sample = 2-3 pages that include
2) the introduction section (continuous text, not notes or extracts)
At the end of the text, please list questions or suggestions of topics that you would like us to discuss together in the workshop.
How to send your assignment to Turnitin via MyCourses?
In order to submit your assignment, follow the instructions provided here: Student Submissions in MyCourses - Turnitin - Aalto University Wiki
You can independently check the originality of your own text (i.e., make an independent Turnitin Originality Report) in the following MyCourses workspace: Course: Independent Turnitin Originality Check for Academic Year 2023-2024 (aalto.fi)
For further information about Turnitin and its use, visit the Aalto University Wiki: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/turnitin/Turnitin+for+Students
Note! Your paper will not be stored in the Turnitin student paper comparison database at this point.
Submit the current version of your thesis introduction here, but please only include the requested pages (not the whole thesis template).
Text sample = 2-3 pages that include
2) the introduction section (continuous text, not notes or extracts)
At the end of the text, please list questions or suggestions of topics that you would like us to discuss together in the workshop.
How to send your assignment to Turnitin via MyCourses?
In order to submit your assignment, follow the instructions provided here: Student Submissions in MyCourses - Turnitin - Aalto University Wiki
You can independently check the originality of your own text (i.e., make an independent Turnitin Originality Report) in the following MyCourses workspace: Course: Independent Turnitin Originality Check for Academic Year 2023-2024 (aalto.fi)
For further information about Turnitin and its use, visit the Aalto University Wiki: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/turnitin/Turnitin+for+Students
Note! Your paper will not be stored in the Turnitin student paper comparison database at this point.
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