Answer to 3 out of 4 questions  (write total 3 essays)

1.     Discuss your learning journey during the past 6 weeks in this course. Use the references and material given to you during these weeks to support your argumentation. Please, highlight specific concepts or topics that were most challenging or transformative for you, and how you overcame these challenges.

2.     Given the previously described learning journey, how are you planning to take these learning points into practice. Give examples. (e.g., in current or future job roles, within certain types of projects, or in personal development)

3.     How would you define the role of a business model designer in an organization? Please discuss and explain the differences in at least 3 types of organizations and consider how the size, industry, or culture of an organization might influence the role of a business model designer.

4.     Why and how is value a central concept in business model design? Please provide examples of businesses that have successfully centered their models around unique value propositions, and analyze the impact of this focus on their success.



Timelines, q&a about the questions

  • Questions are published in this page 15.2.2024
  • You can ask questions about the questions until Friday 16.2. 15.00 (Finnish time). Send your questions to taija.turunen@aalto.fi, the answers will be published in this page 16.2.2024
  • Absolute deadline for exam submissions is 25.2. 23.59.00. No late submission allowed.

Answering the questions, evaluation

  • Please choose 3 questions to answer (write 3 essays). DO NOT ANSWER MORE THAN 3 QUESTIONS.
  • Each essay is valued max 10 points (Together max 30 points in total)
  • Exam is an individual task
  • The evaluation will be done according to your ability to analyze and reflect the readings and other material, to show case examples and/or individual experiences, as well as to synthetize and combine different sources of information (same criteria as with the reflective journals without any style requirements).

Content of the answers

  • The length of each essay should be approximately 300-700 words. This is a recommendation, but usually this is enough for complete analysis.
  • Providing appropriate references is critical! (Here is a good citation guide: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/apa-citation-guide/), the submission box is Turnitin box that checks plagiarism.
  • Definitions for concepts, theories, frameworks, etc. should be given with appropriate citation and references.
  • Copy-paste the question to your answer
  • Follow academic writing style, you don't need to follow the journal styles (7+1)!
  • Note that the questions are quite extensive. Therefore, in each essay, it is important to state why you have chosen certain perspective in your answer, and what that perspective means for your answer.

Turnitin use, submission

  • Please note that your submission is analyzed by Turnitin (which will detect e.g. plagiarizing). Draft version submission is possible (you can see the plagiarism check results before final submit). If you quote some statements etc. directly, do it properly with referencing.
  • All times Finnish time
  • If you use AI, please provide prompts and notify this at the beginning of the essay.

Evaluation Rubric:









Needs Improvement


Understanding and Reflection

Demonstrates a deep understanding of the material with insightful reflections, identifying transformative concepts.

Shows a solid understanding of course material with clear reflections, including identification of key concepts and challenges.

Displays an adequate understanding of course material with some reflection, but may lack depth in identifying key concepts and challenges.

Demonstrates limited understanding of course material with minimal reflection and difficulty in identifying key concepts and challenges.

Application and Examples

Provides clear, relevant, and innovative examples of how course concepts will be applied in practical contexts, showing a strong connection between theory and practice.

Provides practical examples of applying course concepts, with a clear link between theoretical knowledge and real-world application.

Gives examples of how course concepts may be applied, but the connections between theory and practice are not always clear or fully developed.

Struggles to provide relevant examples of applying course concepts, with weak or unclear connections between theory and practice.

Analytical and Critical Thinking

Exhibits exceptional analytical skills, with a nuanced discussion of the business model design and a sophisticated analysis of value in business model design.

Demonstrates good analytical skills, with a clear discussion of the business model design and a well-reasoned analysis of the importance of value in business models.

Shows basic analytical skills, with a general discussion of the business model design and a basic explanation of value in business models, but may lack depth.

Lacks analytical depth, with a superficial or confused discussion of the business model design and the concept of value in business models.

Clarity and Coherence

Responses are well-organized and articulate, with a logical flow of ideas. Uses precise language and terminology relevant to the course material.

Responses are coherent and structured, with a clear progression of ideas. Language is clear and mostly precise, with appropriate use of terminology.

Responses are generally coherent but may lack clear organization or flow. Language and terminology are appropriate but may lack precision.

Responses lack clarity and coherence, with poor organization and limited use of appropriate language and terminology.

Use of Course Materials

Extensively incorporates course materials and references to support arguments, demonstrating comprehensive engagement with the content and sources.

Makes good use of course materials to support arguments, showing engagement with the content and understanding of the sources.

Uses course materials to support some arguments but may not fully integrate or critically engage with the content.

Makes minimal or irrelevant use of course materials, with little to no engagement with the content or critical analysis of sources.

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