
Singleton, R.A.J. & Straits, B.C., 2005. Approaches to Social Research 4th ed., New York: Oxford University Press. (Chapter 5: Measurement. Other editions will do as well) 

DeVellis, R. F. (2003). Scale development theory and applications. Thousand Oaks: Sage. (Chapters 2-4 and 6, third edition of the book will also do)

Yli-Renko, H., Autio, E., & Sapienza, H. J. (2001). Social capital, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge exploitation in young technology-based firms. Strategic Management Journal22(6-7), 587-613. doi:10.1002/smj.183

 Mesquita, L. F., & Lazzarini, S. G. (2008). Horizontal and Vertical Relationships in Developing Economies: Implications for Smes' Access to Global Markets. Academy of Management Journal51(2), 359-380.


Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2012). Sources of Method Bias in Social Science Research and Recommendations on How to Control It. Annual Review of Psychology , 63(1), 539–569.

McNeish, D. (2017). Thanks Coefficient Alpha, We’ll Take It From Here. Psychological Methods


Read the listed material focusing on data and measurement aspects of the empirical papers. It is highly recommended that you read the material in this order. You should also do the assignment related to the paper by Yli-Renko et al before reading the paper by Mesquita and Lazzarini. The second empirical paper is used mostly for its data on it is sufficient to just skim through the paper to have a rough idea what the paper is about and what data were used.

You can skim through the non-methodological parts of the two empirical papers. The versions available in the course Zotero library contain highlighted sections that are discussed in class. Note that both empirical papers are used in multiple classes so not all highlighted sections are discussed in the next class.


Parts of the article by Yli-Renko et al between 596-602 are highlighted and numbered from 1-15. Go through each highlighted part and fill in the cells of the table provided in a separate document in the files section. Identify key terms or concepts and how they are defined in the DeVellis book. If you cannot find a term from there or from Singleton and Straits book, you should consult the optional readings. After filled, the table should span several pages. You need to be careful when reading the article because the authors misuse some terms. Can you spot where this happens?

Submit your answers two days before the lecture and bring them also to the lecture. The answer should be 4-8 pages. If you have done this assignment as a part of a previous attempt at this course, you can use your old answer as a starting point and do a revision. If you need help or have questions about the assignment, please post those to the course forum.

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