Presentation (video): Share your insights on a specialized topic with other students in the course.

Note: The upload limit in Mycourses is 100MB. If this is too small for your video, please provide a link to the video instead.

The presentation shall be

  • comprehensive (introduction/overview for other students working potentially in other fields);
  • informative (explain concepts, not all details are important)
  • tutorial-style (focus on understanding, activate the audience (for instance, interactive parts; in some cases, hands-on experience is good too.)

Guidelines: Try to teach the audience about your topic and work towards take-aways the audience did not know before. In general, motivate the problem well; make it easy to understand but not trivial; transport sufficient detail to understand the concept (not necessarily every detail - the concept is most important; just throwing in buzzwords is not enough). Since this is a presentation-type assignment, reflect on your way of presenting: e.g. attractive slides, presented in interesting way, trying to activate your audience.

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