Important: The grading is anonymous. Do not include your name in the document or the filename


Singleton, R., & Straits, B. C. (2018). Approaches to social research (Sixth edition). New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter 5: Measurement

Yli-Renko, H., Autio, E., & Sapienza, H. J. (2001). Social capital, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge exploitation in young technology-based firms. Strategic Management Journal, 22(6-7), 587–613. doi:10.1002/smj.183

Video materials

Watch the videos in the following YouTube playlist. (About one and a half hours of video material.) Videos 5-7 are more about operational definitions of reliability and validity and assessment of reliability and validity. These are likely useful when answering the assignment, but a thorough understanding of this material is not required at this point.


Read the listed material focusing on data and measurement aspects of the empirical article. 


Part 1: Explain briefly the concepts of measurement, reliability, and validity focusing on how these concepts are used in quantitative research.

Part 2: Parts of the article by Yli-Renko et al between 596-600 are highlighted and numbered from 1-8. Go through each highlighted part and fill in the cells of the table provided in a separate document. After filled, the table should span about two pages. You need to be careful when reading the article because the authors misuse some terms. Can you spot where this happens?

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