The first deliverable is a character outline. Pick a brand that you feel you know quite well. Your brand character must feel like a real person and give them a something of a backstory that gives context to their personality and behavior. See Appendix 2 for example for character outline for “Marl Borough,” which represents the MarlBoro brand as if he were a real person. 

The character outline should feature the following: 

1. What is their personality like? (Brash and confident? Calm and calculative? Strong temper? Introverted or extroverted? Etc.) 

2. What was their past like? What were their important formative moments? What are their biggest regrets? How have these things shaped who they have become now? 

3. Where did they grow up? Surrounded by whom? With whom do they socialize now? 

4. What are (or were) they good at? What are they bad at? 

5. The essential question for your character is this: What do they want, and what do they need? And how are these two either the same, or different? What your character wants drives their actions in the story; what they need drives the story towards its conclusion. 

6. Note that you need not “show” everything of your character in the actual short story. This character outline merely informs your understanding of how your character is.

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