Before your personal feedback session, you must first submit your text to Turnitin, as this will ensure that your text does not too closely follow the structure and wording used earlier by other writers. This is important to guarantee that you will not later be accused of plagiarism. After submitting your text, view the similarity report to determine whether your text requires further changes and re-submission (See Turnitin instructions for students). Follow the instruction below to submit your text:

Before your feedback session, you will need to

  1. Convert your introduction chapter into MS Word format (i.e., .doc or .docx)
  2. Name this file Lastname1A.docx
  3. Upload the file into Writing Task 1A no later than 2 days before your feedback session, as your teacher will need sufficient time to assess and mark the text in advance before the session.
  4. After uploading your text, reserve a 1-hour feedback session, by clicking this link to send an automated email to your teacher. In the email, suggest several alternative times and days to meet.
  5. Your teacher will then send you an Outlook calendar invitation containing the direct link to the zoom meeting. By accepting the invitation, the booking will be saved into your Aalto Outlook calendar.
  6. After attending the feedback session with your teacher, the teacher will accept your submission, which will then let you gain access to Writing task 1B.

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