Osion kuvaus

  • Feedback on the second draft

    Each student will be assigned a seminar paper written by another student and needs to act as opponent. The role of the opponent is to provide constructive feedback on the assigned seminar paper, especially by pointing out aspects for clarification. When writing the comments, consider at least the following:

    • Is the topic of the paper well-defined?
    • Are the background and the main challenges about the topic clearly presented?
    • Are the main ideas appropriately discussed? Is there anything requiring clarification?
    • What is the main contribution of the paper? Is it sufficiently emphasized in the text?
    • Could structure, presentation, illustrations or language be improved?
    • Are the references adequate in terms of both quantity and quality?
    • How could the paper be further improved?

    Submitting feedback

    You will receive an announcement from the course staff of the student you will be the opponent of. If not, please promptly contact the course staff at cs-e4000@aalto.fi. 

    When you see the announcement, please send your second draft to your opponent (the name in the last column) by email as soon as possible. The deadline for sending the draft is Monday, March 13, 2023, at 23:59.

    Once you receive the second draft, read the paper and write your feedback according to the questions outlined above. The feedback must be sent by e-mail to the student and the course e-mail alias (cs-e4000@aalto.fi) must be added to CC. The deadline for submitting the feedback is Monday, March 20, 2023, at 23:59.

    Feedback on the final paper

    The opponent also provides feedback on the final paper. Such feedback consists of questions that are asked right after the corresponding presentation on the seminar day. Questions should mostly focus on clarifications about technical aspects and (or) choices made in the seminar paper (e.g., organization of the related work, methodology used in case original results are presented).

    Please send your final paper to your opponent by e-mail when the final paper is submitted. You don't need to add us to CC this time.

    The opponents are not supposed to send the questions to the students by e-mail. The questions should be submitted in the assignment section and asked by the opponent after the presentation during the seminar day (like your master thesis defense). 

    • Tehtävä icon

      Upload here the main questions you will be asking as an opponent on the seminar day. The deadline is Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at 23:59.

    • Sivu icon

      This page shows the matching of students, their topics, and the opponents assigned. Please contact your opponent with your second draft attached as soon as possible. 

      The students are supposed to provide the second drafts before Monday, March 13,  2022, at 23:59.

      The opponents are supposed to give the feedback before Monday, March 20,  2022, at 23:59.