General understanding of the most important problems and topics in philosophy of science, such as objectivity, induction, demarcation, explanation, and naturalism. Enhanced ability to participate in philosophical discussion and argumentation. Ability to identify philosophical problems related to one s own research, recognising ways in which they are reflected in research questions and theoretical approaches. Enhanced ability to argue for one's own theoretical choices, and to formulate research questions.
Credits: 6
Schedule: 16.01.2024 - 09.04.2024
Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Turkka Keinonen
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):
Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):
Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English
valid for whole curriculum period:
Relations between the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities, and comparisons between them and arts based research and the engineering sciences. Theory, observation and phenomena: how observations can be reliably used to back up theories even when observations are theory-laden. Kinds and classification: both "natural kinds" found in the world and classifications created for specific purposes are needed in research. Values in science and objectivity: non-epistemic values cannot be banished from science, but objectivity can nevertheless be salvaged. Explanation and undestanding: earlier philosophers contrasted the two, but contemporary theories of explanation link them. Interdisciplinarity: collaboration across disciplinary boundaries hoghlights the collective nature of scientific knowledge production.
Assessment Methods and Criteria
valid for whole curriculum period:
Credits are earned by being present (80 % minimum), reading the texts, by active participation in group discussions, and by writing mini essays assigned during the course.
valid for whole curriculum period:
Contact hours: 36h
Independent work: 70h
Substitutes for Courses
valid for whole curriculum period:
valid for whole curriculum period:
Further Information
valid for whole curriculum period:
Teaching Language : English
Teaching Period : 2022-2023 Spring III - V
2023-2024 Spring III - VEnrollment :
Minimum number of participants: 8
Maximum number of participants: 20Registration for courses: Sisu. Priority order to courses is according to the order of priority decided by the Academic committee for School of Arts, Design and Architecture, https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/registering-to-courses-and-the-order-of-priority-at-aalto-arts