
  • WAT Personal Learning Portfolio 2016-

    NOTE: These are pages for WAT Master's students who started their studies in 2016. For Portfolio page for 2017 students, see here!

    These pages provide you information about Personal Learning Portfolio (PLP) that all WAT degree students will do as part of their studies.

    The aim of the portfolio process is: 

    • To assess and reflect your summative learning, based on your Personal Study Plan (eHOPS) -> This also helps you to plan your future studies 
    • To learn to document your skills and knowledge
    • To do all this together with your fellow students (portfolio group) and your Aalto mentor

    The portfolio process runs throughout the entire Master's Programme, and you have to submit your final portfolio before graduating from our Master's Programme. 

    Majority of the work on portfolio is done individually as well as in so-called Portfolio Groups that were formed during the WAT Orientation Days. The groups must meet altogether 8 times during the portfolio process: five times i.e. after each period during first year, and three times during the second year. You must include a short reflection of your meeting as an Annex to your portfolio. For more details, see the portfolio instructions document below. 

    The portfolio process also includes meetings with your Aalto Mentor (a member of WAT staff). Timetable for those meetings is agreed separately with your mentor.  

    In order to keep track of your portfolio process, you must submit an updated version of your portfolio after each period during the first year. The deadline for submitting your portfolio is normally three weeks after the end of the period. The deadline for the first version of the portfolio is, however, only on 30.11.2016. Submit your portfolio through the Submission sub-page (requires Aalto login).

    For more information, see the documents below or contact Marko.

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      The key points about the portfolio process (powerpoint from the Introductory session on portfolio on Sept 8th, 2016). 

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      The instructions for your portfolio work, including the basic structure for your group meetings; read carefully! 

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      New course timetable for Academic Year 2018-19

    • Forum icon

      This forum is used to discuss the portfolio process so stay tuned!

      You are also invited to post your own question, comment or suggestion to the forum by Adding a new discussion topic or replying to existing ones.

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      We carried out an online survey for our WAT alumni in summer 2017. This file synthesises the main results from the survey in Finnish. The survey will complemented with interviews carried out during Spring 2018, and its results are used to develop our Master's Programme. 

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      The portfolio process links closely to the Study Plan (eHOPS) you must submit to Oodi: deadline for the first version of the study plan is already end of Period I and 2courses. 

      In addition to Oodi, you can use attached word document to plan and document your courses.

      More information about study plans: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enmastereng/Personal+Study+Plan