
    • Challenge

      The challenge and the guidelines are revealed on April 12, 2019 .

      The challenge comprises of two outputs, a report and a video presentation. They are done in groups. Therefore, you have to form a group of 3-5 students. The deadline for notifying the teacher about the members of your group is on March 20. The deadline for handing in the challenge report and video is on April 24 at 10.00. Submit them to the folders Below.

      Panopto, a easy-to-use video-making tool offered by Aalto, is recommended for creating video presentation. Please see instructions of using Panopto here.

      Groups that submit their report and video on time will compete for a place in the final. Of them, a total of six groups will be selected to the challenge final, which takes place at IBM headquarters or Aalto (to be decided) on April 26. The selected groups will not only compete against one another but also with groups from University of Turku. In the final, the groups will present their solution before live audience, which consists of managers and directors from IBM and their customers. The best groups will receive a prize.

      The challenge is worth 50% of the overall grade (report and video 50/50). Note that the challenge final is voluntary and that it does not have an effect on the grading.

      Success Criteria: Your presentation will be evaluated by
      1) The accuracy and effectiveness of your statements and numbers,
      2) How well your presentation reflects the needs of the Great Outdoors management,
      3) Any new business insights that you can bring onto management's knowledge
      4) Brief explanation how you approached and proceeded the challenge

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Challenge video and PPT submissions Inlämningsuppgift

      Challenge video and PPT submissions

      The maximum submission size is 200 MB. If you submit a Powerpoint presentation, this probably is not an issue. However, if you are making a Panopto video, you may also consider submitting just the link to your video.

      Deadline of submission: Aprial 24, 10:00

      You can submit both two files here, including both video and PPT.

      You can find guidance for using Panopto from the "Panopto" section in the course page.