Osion kuvaus

  • This laboratory work is about modeling and controlling of an inverted pendulum. Students have to derive the state space representation of the inverted pendulum and use it for the controlling part. In the controlling part, students will be designing the controller gain K for balance control and swing-up control. Designing work will be done entirely in LabView. 

    All necessary materials for the prehearing assignment and the lab are in  "Materials" folder. Read the "Lab Instructions.pdf" document carefully. It provides all information about the assignments which you must complete and submit to the instructor at least ONE day before the scheduled prehearing session. There will be 30 minutes for each session and you have to answer questions from the instructor to prove that you truly understand the problems.

    Passing prehearing session is mandatory for proceeding to the lab. So make sure you prepare for it!

    Lab teacher: Hoang Nguyen Khac, hoang.kh.nguyen@aalto.fi