Topic outline

  • General

    • Material:
      The text book is Cold Regions Pavement Engineering. (Dore and Zubeck).

      Another reference we are going to use is:

      Asfalttinormit 2011, PANK ry. (Päällystealan neuvottelukunta r.y.)

      Textbooks and Asfalttinormit 2011 are for loan and can be picked up before 6.1 from Heli Nikiforrow, Road Laboratory, Rakentajanaukio 4a, floor 3, Room 318. 

      Other material is provided in the "Materials" section of this course page.

      Feedback suggestions from the students to improve the course:

      1. The slides should be converted all into English.

      2. There should be more exercise sessions. Not all of the issues were covered during the exercise session.

      3. The exercises should be performed on the lectures, after the theory was provided. The aim would be to practice the theorethical knowledge immediately.

      Plan for the improvement:
      1. The slides which are in Finnish are connected with the Finnish nomenclature and Asfalttinormit. Because almost all of the students were Finnish I did not focus on translation. However, for the following year I will translate the slides to give opportunity for the international students to participate.
      2. I have similar feeling, especially with the bigger assignments. The number of exercise hours in 2019 was increased from 0 to 1 h. In 2020 there will be 2 h of exercises, already the changes to schedule were made.
      3. I agree that some of the exercises could be combined in that way with lectures. The simple exercises which allow for practice of one or two equations, could be embedded into lectures. However, the larger projects which involve combination of the knowledge could be strictly covered on the exercises and submitted as homeworks. This would mean that the lectures would be mandatory to some extent. Upon the quick survey of new students preferences towards mandatory and non-mandatory presence, we will make the decision on how to proceed in 2020.

      My own goal for improvement:
      a. Support students in reading the background material, especially Asfalttinormit and the course book. I will try to implement the quiz in mycourses.
      b. Improve the unit conversion skills of the students - planned set of exercises for practice purposes.