UWAS-C0028 - Fashion in Culture, 09.01.2019-20.03.2019
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 20.03.2019 Etsi kursseja: UWAS-C0028
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This course is an UWAS-course and it is primarily aimed at all Aalto students. During the course, you will be introduced to some important aspects of fashion and culture and have a chance to discuss the selected topics in class with your fellow students and with visiting scholars and experts.
Through the themes discussed in class, you will gain insights into various viewpoints and topical themes within fashion. The aim of the course is to provide knowledge, viewpoints and inspiration which you can utilize in your own creative design practice and even in your MA-thesis. Teaching will be lectures and you are asked to read texts pertaining to each specific topic.
9.1. Annamari Vänskä: Introduction to Fashion in Culture
16.1. Linda Turunen: Luxury and fashion – It’s complicated
Reading: See PDF at the end ion this page!
23.1. Annamari Vänskä: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk: Fashion and Subcultures
Muggleton, D. 2010. Subcultures. In V. Steele (Ed.). The Berg Companion to Fashion. Oxford: Bloomsbury Academic. Available on-line through Aalto library's website and as PDF below.
Additional reading:
Kawamura, Y. 2012. Understanding Subcultural Studies: Dick Hebdige Revisited. In Fashioning Japanese Subcultures. London: Berg, 7–20. Available on-line: http://dx.doi.org.libproxy.aalto.fi/10.2752/9781474235327/KAWAMURA0003.30.1. Heidi Härkönen: World cultures and fashion: Questions of ’cultural appropriation’ and intellectual property
Åhren, M. 2010. The Saami Traditional Dress & Beauty Pageants: Indigenous Peoples' Right of Authorship and Self-Determination over their Cultures. Universitet i Tromsø, Juridisk fakultet 2010. Pages 1 - 6; 135 - 148; 215 - 220 and 281 - 282.Available on-line: https://munin.uit.no/handle/10037/96986.2. Anna-Mari Almila: Fashion, religion and morality
Almila, A. 2018. Introduction The veil across the globe in politics, everyday life and fashion, in Anna-Mari Almila and David Inglis (eds.): The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices. London and New York: Routledge, 1–28. Available on-line: https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.libproxy.aalto.fi/lib/aalto-ebooks/detail.action?docID=4905409#.
Additional reading:
Lewis, R. 2018. Modest fashion and anti-fashion, in Anna-Mari Almila and David Inglis (eds.): The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices. London and New York: Routledge, 139–151. Available on-line: https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.libproxy.aalto.fi/lib/aalto-ebooks/detail.action?docID=4905409#.13.2. Yvonne Förster: Digital Skins: Understanding Fashion through Technology
Förster,Y. 2018: From Digital Skins to Digital Flesh: Understanding Technology Through Fashion”, Popular Inquiry: The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture, 1/2018, 32–42. Available on-line: https://www.popularinquiry.com/blog/2018/8/30/yvonne-frster-from-digital-skins-to-digital-flesh-understading-technolgy-trough-fashion.
20.2. NO CLASS!
27.2. Linda Turunen: Fashionable second-hand? Consumers’ role in second-hand fashion market
Reading: See PDF at the end ion this page!
6.3. Koko Hubara: Cultural Politics of Fashion: Is Fashion Racist?
Hopkins T. E. 2014: “Is Fashion Racist?”, in Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion. London: Pluto Press, 128–147. Available on-line: http://search.ebscohost.com.libproxy.aalto.fi/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=683058&site=ehost-live&authtype=sso&custid=ns192260.
See also PDF at the end of this page!
13.3. Annamari Vänskä: Sexual Politics of Fashion: From Gay to Queer and Beyond
Church-Gibson, P. 2012. ‘Fashion Films’: From Prêt-à-Porter to A Single Man. In Fashion and Celebrity Culture. London: Berg, 83–102.
Cole, S. 2000. Invisible Men?. In ‘Don We Now Our Gay Apparel’: Gay Men’s Dress in the Twentieth Century. Oxford: Berg, 59–70.
Additional reading:
Vänskä, A. 2014. From Gay to Queer—Or, Wasn’t Fashion Always Already a Very Queer Thing? Fashion Theory, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 447–464. Available on-line: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264865429_From_Gay_to_Queer-Or_Wasn%27t_Fashion_Always_Already_a_Very_Queer_Thing
Vänskä, A. 2017. Gender and Sexuality. In Alexandra Palmer (ed.):Bloomsbury Series onCultural History of Fashion & Dress, Vol. 6: Fashion in the Modern Age (1920–2000). London and New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 107–129. See the PDF below.
20.3. 18–20 Visit to Museum of Modern Art Kiasma to see the exhibition by Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir a.k.a. Shoplifter