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      Download the file about Mobility and MobilityX

      Click title link to check the original email from Master School. 

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      The Journey team is working with partners across Europe to develop a plan B. This involves a large team of people looking at how the Journey 2020 can be adapted to the Covid-19 situation. No final decisions have yet been taken. The overriding goal is that a new Journey format will meet the same learning objective as previous Journey editions. The Journey team will come to a decision and communicate with all participants by the end of April.

      Click title link for full email from Master School. 

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      All updates about mobility, summer journey, spark! Click title link for full message from Master School. 

      Please fill in mobility change form if your mobility was disrupted due to Covid19, then email back to Julia, hsiao-pei.liao@aalto.fi

      No student will be penalised for stopping their mobility early due to the virus. In all cases, your health and security are paramount.

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      Two main points:

      1. The online Journey programme will now start on Monday July 13 and will finish on Friday August 7.

      2. The Journey 2020 programme is going to move into a hybrid format composed of an online core part with some optional localised elements included in the programme. These can be activated depending on how the Covid-19 situation evolves over the summer.

      click the title link to access the full update.