Topic outline

    • Thursday 28.11.2019 at 9.00-15.30
      Place: Q202 Ryhmäopetus, Väre, Otaniementie 14
    • Learning assignments for the next session

      1. Create version 4.0 of your course plan, for more instructions, see Course plan: template and drop box.  When you choose the teaching methods and justify your decisions, use the knowledge that you gained doing the SWOT analyses about the teaching methods.

      Deadline for version 4.0 is 2.12.2019. You will get feedback on your plan from Marja & Tiina before the last teaching session.

      2. Read the literature mentioned below (Learning assignments for the next session (DL 12.12.2019).

    • URL icon

      Read two chapters:
      A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education: enhancing academic practice. Edited by Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall. New York ; Routledge, 2009.

      a) Chapter 13 “Teaching quality, standards and enhancement" pp 186-197

      b) Chapter 14 “Evaluating courses and teaching” pp 198-211