
  • All the course material used during the first day will be found here: the slides, the assignments along with the instructions and the material you have made in the class. The submission boxes for your first assignment (reading, teaching observation, group work and reflection) are here as well.

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör någon grupp
      Attributes of a good workshop master Mapp
    • Assignments for the next session:

      1. Reading assignment
      2. Teaching observation and giving feedback
      3. Group reflection

    • Instructions: 

      Read chapter 3, "How do I create an environment that supports learning?", p. 19–25 from

      Hemminki, M., J., Leppänen, M. & Valovirta, T. 2013: Get inspired! A guide for successful teaching

      Saatavilla myös suomeksi

      Read the text so that you can discuss it with your peers both in your small group as well as in class. The title of this box and the title of the book are both links to the e-book. You can download a pdf file of the pages you want.

    • Instructions:

      • Visit  an exercise class where you act as an observer. If possible, visit a class that is connected to the workshop you are teaching. Ask the teacher for an invitation/zoom link. You can ask if others can observe the same class as well. Then add the details to the document below.
      • Focus on interaction in the classroom and note down at least the following: How was it created? What approaches were used? Which aspects you found supported students' learning process? You can add reflections and insights of your own. Be specific, be positive, and give constructive feedback. 
      • Use the feedback form for this; it appears below this text after clicking on the title of this box. The form has generic instructions on points to pay attention to when observing a teaching session. You may follow these instructions to expand your observation, but remember that your task this time is to focus on interaction. Give your feedback to your peer/the teacher (ask them first if they want the feedback; you may also elaborate on your feedback verbally with them), and submit it to this submission box with the name of the observed peer/teacher removed. This feedback is visible only to the course teachers.
      • Although you use the framework given in the form to write on this teaching observation, reflect on the teaching situation by also thinking about the issues on interaction and feedback that we discussed in the classroom (that are summarised in the slides) and elaborate on each section in the form. This elaborated reflection is not part of the feedback you give the teacher you observed.
      • Return the form containing your observations, reflections and the feedback you possibly gave the teacher you observed. This is an individual assignment.

    • Here you can add tips to you peers for good observation possibilities. Remember to ask the teacher wheather you can share the link. Check also courses.aalto.fi for courses in 5th period.

    • Instructions:

      • Arrange a meeting with your small group - you can find your own subgroup in this same page. E-mail (anyone of you can be the first to mail) and fix a time for your meeting.
      • Face-tp-face meetings have been better for discussion and sharing, but if there are challenges, it can also be virtual (Teams, Zoom, Scype etc.)
      • In the meeting, discuss the article and plan your teaching observation or discuss your observed session, as the case may be.
      • Submit your notes and reflections (one per group) in your group's area: Group work (discussion area): What did you discuss? What did you observe? What did you think about the article? etc.
      • Remember to write your names on your group post.
      • Your posts to this discussion area are visible to the teachers and the course participants.

    • The submission box for the substitute assignment for those who couldn't be present in class on Day 1.

      If you were absent the whole session 1 on 6.4.2020

      Please read through slides of day 1 and the presentation of Sini Vihma

      Reflect them through your own experiences and expectations. You can, for instance, think of situations in teaching where you could support interaction.
      Or you can also reflect on teaching and learning situations where interaction would have been needed

      Please reflect also your role as a workshop master.

      Please write one (1) to 1,5 A4 pages and submit it here to this assignment box.

      If you were absent partly

      Please read and reflect through the slides of Sini Vihma. Please reflect on your own role as a Workshop master.
      Did you receive any new thoughts? Or did you receive support or encouragement? Or did you disagree on anything what he has put into his slides?

      Please write a half (0,5) to one (1) A4 page and submit it here to this assignment box.