Topic outline

  • All the course material used during the second day is found here: the slides and the assignments along with the instructions. The submission boxes for your second assignment (reading, teaching observation, group work and reflection) are here as well..

    For those who did not attend, the makeup assignment to compensate for the missed class is at the bottom of the page.

    • Assignments for the next session

      1. Reading assignment
      2. Teaching observation and reflection
      3. Group reflection

    • Instructions/Ohjeet:

      Read chapter 5, "How do I teach?", pp. 39–49 from Hemminki, M. Leppänen, M. & Valovirta T. 2013. Get inspired! A guide for successful teaching.

      Lue kirjasta Innostu ja onnistu opetuksessa luku 5 (Miten toteutan opetusta), sivut 38-48.

      Kirja suomeksi

      Read the text so that you can discuss it with your peers both in your small group as well as in class. The title of the box and the title of the book are both links to the e-book. You can download a pdf file of the pages you want. 

      Lue teksti niin että voit keskustella siitä ryhmässäsi ja seuraavalla opetuskerralla. Voit ladata kirjasta itsellesi pdf-linkin niistä sivuista, jotka haluat.

    • Instructions/Ohjeet:

      • Visit  an exercise class where you act as an observer. If possible, visit a class of your group members or your course mates. 
        Vieraile luennolla/opetusryhmässä missä olet havainnoimassa. Jos mahdollista, yritä löytää jotain sopivaa verkko-opetusta, missä on mukana opiskelijoita.
      • Focus on the students and note down at least the following: What do the students do? How does the teacher motivate them? Add reflections and insights of your own. You may give feedback to the teacher. If you do, be specific, be positive, and give constructive feedback. 
        Keskity siihen miten opiskelijat toimivat opetuksessa ja huomioi ainakin seuraavaa: mitä opiskelijat tekevät? kuinka opettaja motivoi heitä. Lisää omaa pohdintaasi tilanteesta. Voit myös halutessasi antaa palautetta opettajalle, joka opetti luennon/session/tilanteen. Anna mielellään rakentavaa ja positiivissävyistä palautetta.
      • Use the feedback form for this; it appears below this text after clicking on the title of this box. The form has generic instructions on points to pay attention to when observing a teaching session. You may follow these instructions to expand your observation, but remember that your task this time is to focus on student activity and how the teacher motivates the students. If you give feedback to your peer/the teacher, ask them first if they want the feedback; you may also elaborate on your feedback verbally with them. Submit your feedback to this submission box with the name of the observed peer/teacher removed. This feedback is visible only to the course teachers.
      • Käytä samaa palautetelomaketta kuin ykkösharjoituksessa. Jos olet suomenkielinen, voit kirjoittaa tehtävän suomeksi. Vain kurssin opettajat Tiina ja Kirsti näkevät palautetut tehtävät.
      • DL for this observation is 29.4.2020/ Tehtävän palautuksen DL keskiviikkona 29.4.

    • Instructions/Ohjeet

      • Arrange a meeting (second) with your small group/Sopikaa aika ryhmän toiselle tapaamiselle.
      • In the meeting, discuss the article and plan your teaching observation or discuss your observed session, as the case may be.
        Tapaamisessa keskustelkaa yhdessä kirjan kappaleesta ja kunkin observoinnista.
      • Submit your notes and reflections (one per group) to the group assignment area: Group work : What did you discuss? What did you observe? What did you think about the article? etc.
        Kirjoittakaa lyhyet muistiinpanot ryhmänne ajatuksista ja palauttakaa ne tänne MC-sivulle.
      • Remember to write your names on your group post.
        Muistakaa kirjoittaa muistioon ryhmän jäsenten nimet (etunimet riittävät!)

    • For those who could not join the contact session 2

      Read the slides for day 2 and write your thoughts on the two following topics:

      1. How can you as a workshop master support diverse learners? (Write ½–1 page on this topic).
      2. With reference to the three levels of thinking about teaching, how can different teachers affect how students learn (surface or deep approach to learning)? Do you see any problems if a student uses only the surface approach or only the deep aproach to study in all of their courses? How can students cope with learning subjects in the given amount of time? Address all of the questions in this topic. (Write 1–2 pages on this topic)

      The topics are discussed in the first reading assignment as well. Your text should not exceed three pages in all.