Osion kuvaus

  • 80% presence on lectures and a passed exam are required to complete the course. The exam is graded and will decide the overall course grade. We'll use the Exam classrooms for the purpose, meaning you book the time online yourself and go to do the exam whenever it best suits you between October 29 and November 13. You'll have three hours for answering the questions there.

    There will be four essay questions on the following topics, based on the lecture materials and chapters of the course book:

    1. General definitions (Chapters 1 and 2)
    2. Vision and perception (Chapters 5 and 6)
    3. Interaction (Chapter 10 – calculations excluded)
    4. Human factors (Section 8.4 and Chapter 12 – statistics excluded)

    You'll get an invitation to your Aalto email, so keep following it. Each answer should be about one "A4" page or 500 words maximum and will award you 0–5 points. The final grade of the exam will be then as follows:

      • 0–8 points: 0
      • 9–10 points: 1
      • 11–12 points: 2
      • 13–15 points: 3
      • 16–17 points: 4
      • 18–20 points: 5