Osion kuvaus

  • Lecture schedule 2021:

    • 12 Jan 1 Introduction & Project groups / Mikko Kurimo
    • 19 jan 2 Statistical language models / Mikko Kurimo
    • 26 jan 3 Word2vec /  Tiina Lindh-Knuutila
    • 02 feb 4 Sentence level processing / Mikko Kurimo
    • 09 feb 5 Speech recognition / Janne Pylkkönen
    • 16 feb 6 Chatbots and dialogue agents / Mikko Kurimo
    • 23 feb Exam week, no lecture
    • 02 mar 7 Statistical machine translation / Jaakko Väyrynen
    • 09 mar 8 Morpheme-level processing / Mathias Creutz
    • 16 mar 9 Neural language modeling and BERT / Mittul Singh
    • 23 mar 10 Neural machine translation / Stig-Arne Grönroos
    • 30 mar 11 Societal impacts and course conclusion / Krista Lagus  and Mikko Kurimo

    Below you can find slides of 2020 lectures until they are substituted by 2021 ones as the course progresses. Lecture recordings will also be added here.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut mihin tahansa ryhmään
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      Zoom link to participate in the lectures Verkko-osoite
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      NEW Drive link to view the recorded lectures Verkko-osoite
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut mihin tahansa ryhmään
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      OLD Drive link to view the recorded lectures Verkko-osoite
    • 12 Jan 2021 1: Introduction & Course content / Mikko Kurimo

    • Tiedosto icon

      Introduction to Statistical Natural Language Processing

      Course practicalities in 2021

      Lecture 1 in the course text books:

      • Manning-Schutze: Chapters 1-2 pp. 1-80

    • Tehtävä icon

      Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

    • 19 Jan 2021 2: Statistical language models / Mikko Kurimo

    • Tiedosto icon
      • statistical language models and their applications
      • maximum likelihood estimation of n-grams
      • class-based n-grams
      • the main smoothing methods for n-grams
      • introduction to other statistical and neural language models

      Lecture 2 in the course text books:

      • Manning-Schutze: Chapter 6 pp. 191-228
      • Jurafsky-Martin 3rd (online) edition: Chapter 3 pp. 37-62 (and Chapter 7 pp.131-150 for simple NNLMs)

    • Tehtävä icon

      List as many potential applications for statistical language models as you can!
      Typically they are tasks where you need the probability or to find the most probable word or sentence given some background information

      Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

    • Tehtävä icon
    • 26 Jan 2021 3: Word2vec / Tiina Lindh-Knuutila

    • Tiedosto icon
      • distributional semantics
      • vector space models
      • word2vec
      • information retrieval

      Lecture 3 in the course text books:

      • Jurafsky-Martin 3rd (online) edition: Chapter 6

    • Tehtävä icon
      1. What are the benefits of distributional semantics?
      2. What kind of problems there might be?
      3. What kind of applications can you come up with using these models?

      Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

    • 2 Feb 2021 4: Sentence level processing / Mikko Kurimo

    • Tiedosto icon

      Part-of-Speech and Named Entity tagging

      Hidden Markov models and Viterbi algorithm

      Advanced tagging methods

      Lecture 4 in the course text books:

      • Manning - Schütze(1999). MIT Press. Chapters 9--12
      • Jurafsky-Martin 3rd (online) edition: Chapters 8--9

    • Tehtävä icon

      Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

      Discuss with each other in breakout rooms and propose answers for these 3 questions:

      1. Finish the POS tagging by Viterbi search example by hand.
      - Return the values of the boxes and the final tag sequence. Either take a photo of your drawing, fill in the given ppt, or just type the values into the text box  
      2. Did everyone get the same tags? Is the result correct? Why / why not?
      3. What are the pros and cons of HMM tagger?

      All submissions, even incorrect or incomplete ones, will be awarded by one activity point.

    • 09 Feb 2021 5: Speech recognition / Janne Pylkkönen

    • Tiedosto icon

      Hybrid DNN-HMM architecture

      End-to-end architectures


      Lecture 5 in the course text books:

      • Jurafsky-Martin 3rd (online) edition: Chapters 26

    • Tehtävä icon

      Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

      Discuss with each other in breakout rooms and propose answers for these questions:

        Think about an application where ASR would be useful, but where
        it is not yet commonly used. How would ASR change the user
        experience? What are the biggest challenges for ASR in that use

        All submissions, even incorrect or incomplete ones, will be awarded by one activity point.

      1. 16 Feb 2020 6: Chatbots and dialogue agents / Mikko Kurimo

      2. Tiedosto icon

        Rule-based and Corpus-based chatbots

        Retrieval and Machine Learning based chatbots

        Evaluation of chatbots

        Lecture 6 in the course text books:

        • Jurafsky-Martin 3rd (online) edition: Chapter 24

      3. Tehtävä icon

        Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

        Discuss with each other in breakout rooms and propose answers for these 6 questions:

          1. Which chatbots and dialogue agents have you used?  What can they do, what not?
          2. Try ELIZA, e.g. https://www.eclecticenergies.com/ego/eliza or http://psych.fullerton.edu/mbirnbaum/psych101/Eliza.htm When does it fail? How to improve it?
          3. Try PARRY, e.g. https://www.chatbots.org/chatbot/parry/ or https://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=857177  When does it fail? How to improve it?
          4. Try more chatbots or dialogue agents, e.g. transformer: https://convai.huggingface.co/ or anyone from: https://www.chatbots.org/
          5. What do you think: How to make better chatbots? How to automatically evaluate chatbots?
          6. What ethical issues do chatbots have? Any suggestions how to solve them?

        1. 23 Feb 2021: Exam week, no lecture

        2. 2 March 2020 7: Statistical machine translation / Jaakko Väyrynen

        3. Tiedosto icon

          Lecture based on:

          • ˆ Chapter 13.2-13.4 in Manning & Schutze
          • ˆ Chapter 21 in the OLD Jurafsky & Martin: Speech and Language Processing
          • Chapter 11 in the NEW Jurafsky & Martin: Speech and Language Processing
          • ˆ Koehn: "Statistical Machine Translation", http://www.statmt.org/book/
        4. Tehtävä icon

          Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

          Discuss with each other in breakout rooms and propose answers for these 2 questions:

          Consider di fferent levels of language and di fferent kinds of source-target pairs:

            1. What would be easy/hard to translate with MT?
            2. Have you seen failed/succesful usage or applications of MT?

          1. 9 March 2020 8: Morpheme-level processing / Mathias Creutz

          2. Tiedosto icon

            Not all of these slides will be discussed during the lecture, but everything is useful reading, still.

            NOTE: There is no text book yet that would cover this stuff well, so read the slides carefully!

          3. Tehtävä icon

            Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

          4. 16 Mar 2020 9: Neural language modeling / Mittul Singh

          5. Tiedosto icon

            NNLMs are discussed in Chapter 7 in the 2020 online version of Jurafsky - Martin book.

          6. Tehtävä icon

            Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

          7. Tehtävä icon

            Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

          8. 23 Mar 2020 10: Neural machine translation / Stig-Arne Grönroos

          9. Tiedosto icon

            NMT is discussed in Chapter 11 in the 2020 online version of Jurafsky - Martin book.

          10. Tehtävä icon

            Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

          11. 30 Mar 2020 11: Societal impacts and course conclusion / Krista Lagus  and Mikko Kurimo

          12. Tiedosto icon
            • This material is not included in the text books
            • Check the slides and any reading material mentioned there
          13. Tiedosto icon
            • The contents of the course
            • Info about passing the course and grading
            • Info about the exam
            • Quick recap of previous lectures
          14. Tehtävä icon

            Discuss with group:
            1. Do you think it is possible to detect speaker’s emotions from text? Explain!
            2. What good might there be, if we could create a “WORRY-O-METER”?
            3. What problems do you foresee?

            Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.

          15. Tehtävä icon

            Try out Medicine Radar at: Laaketutka.fi  E.g.
            - search for a medicine you know
            - Look at the list of other medicines, other symptoms, typical dosages. Is this what you would expect?
            1. What is interesting about this prototype?
            2. What could it be useful for?
            3. Come up with questions & share them with your group!

            Please type or upload your answer here, e.g. as a photo, text or pdf file and earn a lecture activity point.