Topic outline

  • 2. viikko/2nd week schedule

    Welcome to
    Contracting, Agreements & Negotiations in the Film Industry
    -course! Second week comprises daily lectures, materials and assignments.
    Distant lectures 

    WHERE Zoom webinars daily, from Mon, Feb 22, to Fri, Feb 26, 2021
    WHEN At 9:15 am to 12am.
    Detailed daily schedule 

    Following lectures in Zoom and working on group assignments at Mycourses. Daily submissions no later than 5 pm. 

    Lectures, links, and materials to work on group assignments. 

    Groups remained almost the same from 1st  week. Four groups have changed and nearly all groups have three members. The groups of two members are acknowledged. 
    WHEN Daily from Monday Feb 22, 2021 to Thursday, Feb 25, 2021
    WHERE At Mycourses from 1 pm. to 5 pm. 
    WHAT Group work assignments submission daily at 5 pm. 

    Questions& Answers
    Thank you for using the General discussion section for the questions and let everyone on the course benefit for both the question and the answer.