Topic outline

  • SprintWeekDateDescriptionAssignment
    9Tuesday 2.3.Macro-level market assessment / Market estimation / Product-Market Fit
    9Thursday 4.3.Business Model / Disruption? / Unit Economy
    10Tuesday 9.3.Marketing & Sales (next Thursday cash flow )
    10Thursday 11.3.SPRINT 4 | CONCEPT PITCH (PROBLEM + SOLUTION, Problem-Solution Fit)Slide submission Wednesday 9pm

    • Materials

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (Oodi)
      Folder icon
      Session 14: Macro-level market assessment Folder

      Things to look over before the lecture: 

      A) Product-market fit by reading an excellent blog post by a16z: (you can also find plenty of definitions and more good reads online)
      B) Why large target market matters by reading Linus blog post about VC math:
      C) Basics of market sizing Total Available Market (also Addressable). Key take-away: Top-down market estimation from aggregate market data is "worse than useless" : , 7 min

      Lecture recording: 

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (Oodi)
      Folder icon
      Session 15: Market Disruption Folder

      Pre-reading materials are available here as well. Please check out before the lecture. 

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (Oodi)
    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (Oodi)
      Folder icon
      Session 17: Pitch 3 Folder

      In the concept pitch, you present both a problem and your solution to it. The main point is to convince the audience that you have found a problem-solution fit. Please build on top of your previous pitch and the most relevant findings in your research so far.

      It would be wise to include your problem statement and customer/user persona. Also, include your takeaways from disruption workshop and market estimation. Remember to incorporate the feedback that was given for the previous two pitches.

      Thus, the content is the market/field you are working on, your potential users, their problems, your solution, how does it solve their problems, market estimation, team. If you have platforms or two-sided markets, you should present all the sides of the platforms: who, their needs or problems. If you have users and customers, present both. We are not yet looking for business models.

      The timing is again 3 min.

      We grade the second pitch based on how well you defined your users and their needs, solution description, your market estimation, the logic and comprehensibility, timing. We grade the pitch as a stand-alone presentation (not based on anything else we know about your project) so assume that no-one in the audience knows about you or the content of your previous pitches.


    • Assignments

    • Assignment icon

      Now, concentrate on the value proposition side. You can also update your customer profile if needed. The goal is that there is a fit between the customer profile and the value proposition.

      Grading: Pass/Fail (or pass with merit)

      Please, remember to add to your assignment:

      • Your team number,

      • Names and student numbers of all team members

      • The problem your team focus

      • Your solution

      • Please, name your deliverable "Team Number - Value Proposition Canvas" - thank you!

      Learn more about:

      • Value Proposition Canvas

      • Jobs to be Done

      If you have many user/ customer groups, create your own canvas for all of them (please recognize this especially if you will focus on the two-sided market). Typically, they have different pains and gains.

      Templates are available in the attachments. (optional)