JOIN-A0002 - Conducting Small Group Activities for International Students V 2021-2022, 01.03.2021-31.05.2022
This course space end date is set to 31.05.2022 Search Courses: JOIN-A0002
Topic outline
Welcome to the course "Conducting small group activities for international students" 2021-2022!
First, choose the School according to the programme of the students you are tutoring in the academic year 2021-2022. If necessary, you can choose multiple groups. After choosing the School you'll see the page of the school in the left side of the page. In that page you'll find all school/programme specific information and material as well as instructions and a submission box for the report.AYY Tutor training is conducted online in 2021 because of the unusual circumstance. You can find the training materials under Tutor Training 2021. Please view all materials, remember to give feedback of the training and complete the reflection task, they are compulsory parts of the course.Please read carefully the page Commitment to international tutoring and compensations to be aware of practicalities as well as expectations for tutoring international students!Protip: Are you looking for the course JOIN-A0001 Pienryhmän ohjaus? Please see:
Please read! Important information on the exceptions in the coronavirus situation