Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the lab course!

    During this course, the students will take part in six labs in total. Materials, time slots booking for prehearing and lab sessions, and return boxes for lab reports will be available for each lab. 

    The kick-off lecture (first and the only lecture) will be online, on January 14th, where you will get an overview regarding the course implementation, learning outcomes, and rules. Please find the Zoom link in the dedicated folder for the kick-off lecture.        

    The lab sessions will be held in normal teaching mode, which requires students' attendance at the campus. Further information:, requires log-in. The prehearing sessions could be online or offline depending on the lab teacher's opinion.    

    The students will be divided into groups (maximum 4 students/group), and all the group members need to be present for prehearing and lab sessions. The report should be done as a group joint effort.      

    If you have any questions regarding the course implementation, contact the course assistant Shahriar Haeri by email: 

    Process plant automation system lab (January-February)

    • Demonstrating the laboratory scale process components, sensors, actuators, and upstream Automation modules are all part of the Aalto water process system.
    • Working knowledge of technologies such as control systems, monitoring, M2M communication protocol, OPC UA, and data collecting.

    Control Engineering Lab 1&2 (February-March)
       Instructor: Hoang Nguyen Khac,

    Sensor fusion with Kalman filter (March-April)

       Instructor: Issouf Ouattara,

    Manipulation with industrial robot lab (April)

        Instructor: Francesco Verdoja,

    Microforce measurement lab (May)

       Instructors: Shahriar Haeri,

    If you have any questions regarding a specific lab, please contact the responsible lab teacher(s) directly.