Topic outline


    The laboratory work is organized in three parts:

    • Pre-hearing assignment: In this first part you will need to complete the pre-hearing assignment and submit your answer before the deadline. You can find the documents necessary to complete the assignment here: "Sensor fusion with Kalman filter: prehearing assignment".

    • Pre-hearing session: The second part of the lab is the pre-hearing session during which you will be asked to individually answer questions related to the assignment and the provided documents for the assignment. All group members must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the topic. If the pre-hearing evaluation is failed, the evaluation must be done again.

    • The lab work: In the third and last part you will perform the laboratory work in which you will run the Kalman filter algorithm in Matlab environment. This part can be completed in 3 hours "undistracted" time. You will have to submit a report at the end of this part. The report is submitted in the "Sensor fusion with Kalman filter: lab report" section of the lab page.

    Both the prehearing session and the lab session will be done as contact teaching.  You can book a time here "Sensor fusion with Kalman filter: Prehearing session & Lab booking".
    Please let me know if your group cannot attend because of corona situation. I might be able to arrange an online session.