Topic outline

  • General

    Dear students,

    Welcome to our Neurophysics course. The course focuses this year on looking for novel potential therapies for neurodegenerative brain diseases. The studies will consist of team work under the guidance by Ari and Risto. The teaching starts on Thursday ,10th of March (note, not on the 3rd!). All the practicalities regarding the course will be discussed during the first meeting. The teaching space is on the third floor in Otakaari 3, the best way to find the hall F336 is to enter the building from Rakentajanaukio, door C, climb the stairs to the 3rd floor, and you will see the entrance door to F336 in the stairway.

    Ari and Risto

    Meeting on Thursday April 7 at 12.15-15.00 in ZOOM:

     Meeting ID: 625 097 1255

    Passcode: Neurophys