Osion kuvaus

  • Course Home

    Welcome to Mechatronic Machine Design course!

    Update 23.12.2021: We go to online. Given the working online course last year, students' wishes and government's advisory, we'll have online realisation in 2022. Preliminary exam opens tomorrow. The DL is on the 2nd week. Hannu Mäkinen from ideal PLM confirmed visiting lecture on 18.1.2022.

    The course will start with a lecture on Tuesday the 11th of January at 9:15 in Teams. This semester whole course is fully-remote, completely online and no presence at the campus is required. The course includes preliminary exam, lectures, weekly exercises, laboratory exercises and a project work. The course has no final exam. The final grade consists of the combined points from the lecture quizzes, exercises, labs and project work. It is good if you have completed Mechatronics Basics before enrolling on this Mechatronic Machine Design course. Passing Mechatronic Machine Design is required before enrolling in Vehicle Mechatronics: Control and Vehicle Mechatronics: Powertrain courses.

    Questions and communication
    If you have any questions or comments, please use Teams channels to do so. Use the group chats (=channels) rather than sending direct messages, as it creates a better sense of community and your concern is most likely answered faster and everyone gets the same info.

    The Microsoft teams key for the course is: 1r3kabq
    Use the code as depicted in the picture below to join the team.

    • Weekly activities

      Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
      Deadline of last week's exercise
      Lecture in Teams, 9:15-11:00
      Exercise help in Teams, 9:15-11:00
      Independent work
      Exercise help in Teams, 9:15-11:00

      Lecture quiz

      Course content and schedule






      Introduction to the course

      Background of mechatronics

      Mechatronic design process

      Learning / re-cap of Matlab

      Dynamic systems
      Frequency and time domain analysis

      Laplace transform, Transfer function, Impulse and step responses, Basics of dynamic models

      Preliminary exam deadline

      Release of project work


      Electronics and control

      Operational amplifier circuits, AD & DA conversion, Bode diagram



      Common control topologies
      PID controller
      Control applications

      Common control topologies, PID controller, Control applications

      Project work startup submission deadline Sun 6th February


      Preparing for project work

      Mechatronic system simulation


      Project work wrap up /gala
      Summary of the course, Students’ reflections: what we learnt, Mutual feedback

       No exercises



      No exercises

      Project work deadline Sun 27th February

      Course completed
      2 point for official course feedback

      More detailed version of the grading, workload estimations etc. can be found in weboodi. To pass the course, 50% of the points is required from all the categories listed below.

      - Preliminary exam: pass/fail
      - Grade from lecture quiz: weight 20 %, scale 1...5, 50 % of the points required to pass
      - Grade from exercises including lab exercises: weight 50 %, scale 1...5, 50 % of the points required to pass
      - Grade from project work: weight 30 %, scale 1...5, 50 % of the points required to pass

      Provided that the preliminary exam and the minimum requirements above have been passed, the grading of the course will be the following:
      -  50 % of the total points: grade 1,
      -  60 %: grade 2
      -  70 %: grade 3
      -  83 %: grade 4, and
      -  93 %: grade 5.

      Disclaimer: These limits are set in stone and there are no extra assignments to increase your points after submitting your course assignments (such as quizzes, exercises, project work). Furthermore, do not trust the total points shown to you by MyCourses, as it is displaying often the wrong number until the end of the course and after teacher's have double-checked all submissions.

      The preliminary exam will be a multiple choice exam during the 2nd week of the course.
      The lecture quiz deadlines are during the same day with the corresponding lecture. Everyone has the right to answer lecture quiz. Answering the lecture quiz is likely to be easier if you have attended the lectures.
      The exercises will be due before the next lecture.
      The project work will be due by the end of the sixth week.

      Course staff and appointments
      Responsible teacher: Prof. Kari Tammi
      Assistants: Postdoctoral researcher Riku Ala-Laurinaho
      The course staff can be met after lectures. Please, fix the appointment beforehand.

    • If you want to know what courses you should be taking before or after this course, check out this list of recommended courses for mechatronics engineers.

    • General news and announcements posted by the course staff.