USP-E0363 - Digital Urban, Lecture, 17.1.2022-15.2.2022
This course space end date is set to 15.02.2022 Search Courses: USP-E0363
Topic outline
Digital Urban 2022 course is focusing on urban morphology. To keep things digitally enough we will use python coding language and Jupyter lab instead of any particular software. However there is no prerequisite for python know-how. This is NOT a python course per se.
The course is learning-by-doing -type of course. Each monday is started by a zoom-lecture following personal hands-on-coding. Your final product is a working Jupyter notebook which can produce your spatial analysis on the data from the selected source.
Weekly themes:
MON 17.1 Getting started with Jupyter in
MON 24.1 Getting familiar with data types in spatial world
MON 31.1 Use of data sources
MON 7.2 Analysis and visualization + mid-period view on your own notebook development
MON 14.2 Reproductibility
TUE 15.2-28.2 Submit your final notebook
Digital Urban final notebook submission.
1. Finalize your "data factory" using Jupyterlab in Digital urban instance in Add #comment lines and/or markup-cells to explain the process. Add concluding remark of your analysis in the end as a markup-cell. ..Remember to test run ALL the code (Run all under Run menu) to make sure that your factory is reproductible.
2. Download you notebook (.ipynb -file) with possible external data folder + files which the notebook uses.
3. Zip your file or files with possible folders and submit the zip-file here.
**Notebooks will be uploaded back to the digital urban Jupiterlab for grading.**