USP-E0363 - Digital Urban, Lecture, 17.1.2022-15.2.2022
This course space end date is set to 15.02.2022 Search Courses: USP-E0363
Final notebooks
Completion requirements
Due: Friday, 4 March 2022, 9:00 PM
Digital Urban final notebook submission.
1. Finalize your "data factory" using Jupyterlab in Digital urban instance in Add #comment lines and/or markup-cells to explain the process. Add concluding remark of your analysis in the end as a markup-cell. ..Remember to test run ALL the code (Run all under Run menu) to make sure that your factory is reproductible.
2. Download you notebook (.ipynb -file) with possible external data folder + files which the notebook uses.
3. Zip your file or files with possible folders and submit the zip-file here.
**Notebooks will be uploaded back to the digital urban Jupiterlab for grading.**