35C03000 - Process Analysis and Management, Lecture, 14.9.2021-29.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 29.10.2021 Search Courses: 35C03000
Topic outline
This is the 25.8.2021 updated outline of the course. Please note that some changes to the detailed topics and/or cases are still possible. It is crucial to note that the delivery method of the course requires active participation in all of the lectures.
Book chapter(s)
Lecture 1. Tue 14.9.
1. Process definitions…
o 4Vs & ops performance objectives (short recap)
o Process types (short recap) & layout types
o Long-thin vs. short-fat
o Process mapping intro
Krajewski et al. 1, 3
Car wash: Balancing process capacity
Lecture 2. Tue 21.9.
2. Process design
o Process mapping/descriptions
o Value stream mapping
o Work design and measurement
o Cell production
Krajewski et al. 4
Cachon and Terwiesch 4
Lecture 3. Thu 23.9.
2. Process design (continued)
o Pull-push boundary
o Theory of Constraints
Krajewski et al. 8
Cachon and Terwiesch 10
Push vs. Pull Production simulation
Lecture 4. Tue 28.9.
3. Distribution and logistics
o Little’s law
o Line balancing, waiting/Queuing lines
o Intro to Newsvendor
Krajewski et al. 7
Cachon and Terwiesch 2, 4
Process Analytics tutorial (marked assignment, 5%)
Lecture 5. Thu 30.9.
3. Distribution and logistics (continued)
o Inventory management
o Newsvendor
Krajewski et al. 9
Cachon and Terwiesch 6
Inventory Basics simulation
Lecture 6. Tue 5.10.
4. Process improvement methods
o Service process mapping and improvement
o Statistical process control
o Managing variability
o Buffering, pooling
Cachon and Terwiesch 9
System Utilization in Service Management (marked assignment, 5%)
Lecture 7. Thu 7.10.
4. Process improvement methods (continued)
Lecture 8. Tue 12.10.
5. Sustainable Supply Chain Management (delivered by Assistant Professor Seongtae Kim)
Krajewski et al. 13
Cachon and Terwiesch 10
Lecture 9. Thu 14.10.
6. Lean operations
Krajewski et al. 8
Cachon and Terwiesch 10
Multiple Server Queues simulation (marked assignment, 5%)
Lecture 10. Tue 19.10.
6. Lean operations (continued)
Lean Manufacturing Initiatives at Boeing
Covid-19 case by Misa Bakajic (no pre-readings for the case)
Lecture 11. Thu 21.10.
7. Supply flexibility vs. efficiency, demand analysis, forecasting, supply risk and resilience
Krajewski et al. 14
Cachon and Terwiesch 11, 12
Global Supply Chain simulation (marked assignment, 5%)
Exam Fri 29.10.
Course examination will be on Friday 29.10. at 13.00-16.00, online
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