MS-A0111 - Differential and Integral Calculus 1, Lecture, 13.9.2021-27.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 27.10.2021 Search Courses: MS-A0111
Topic outline
All problem sheets and home exams will be published here. It is inevitable that there will be typographical errors or some additional clarification is needed. Please do not hesitate to alert us so that things can be restored to order. This year the zulip channel will no doubt has the highest visibility.
Group Date Location TA Contact H01 Monday and Thursday 16.15-18.00 A1 - A123, Kandidaattikeskus
216 - 216, Konetekniikka 1Qing H02 Tuesday and Friday 08.15-10.00 D-sali - Y122, Kandidaattikeskus
TU2 - 2005, Maarintie 8Georgy H03 Tuesday and Friday 16.15-18.00 Online Ardi H04 Monday and Thursday 08.15-10.00 213a - 213a, Konetekniikka 1 Balazs H05 Tuesday and Thursday 10.15-12.00 TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8 Anton