ELEC-E8126 - Robotic manipulation D, Lecture, 10.1.2022-11.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 11.04.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E8126
Topic outline
The course provides an overview of mathematical models and algorithms behind state-of-the-art robotic manipulation. The covered viewpoints include grasping. motion planning, motion control, control in contact and redundancy, and learning manipulation skills.
After completing the course, a student can: (i) explain main concepts related to robotic manipulation; (ii) read scientific literature in robotics to choose approaches for a particular problem; (iii) implement state-of-the-art algorithms.Teaching types
The course consists of lectures, readings, exercise sessions and associated assignments, and two types of quizzes (one for lectures, one for exercises). There is also a pre-test that aims to help you evaluate yourself how familiar you are with the course pre-requisites.
All contact teaching (lectures, exercise sessions) will be given over Zoom.
Each lecture is associated with a reading assignment from the course book that should be completed before the corresponding lecture to get an introduction to the topic. Each lecture is also associated with a quiz that can be completed based on the previous lectures and the reading assignment. Lectures will be recorded but the availability of recordings cannot be guaranteed. Thus, you are strongly encouraged to attend the lecture sessions live.
Exercise tasks are compulsory individual assignments that are introduced in the exercise sessions and need to be returned before given deadlines. Tutoring for the exercise assignments is given in the exercise sessions. Each exercise session is only associated with a short quiz that needs to be completed before the session. The exercise quizzes are based on the exercise task descriptions and encourage you to familiarize yourself with the task before the session.