Topic outline

  • Frontpage: Announcements and independent assignment

    Welcome to ARTS-A0120 - Contemporary Practice: Studio B, 10.01.2022-14.02.2022 course!

    The course starts on Monday 10.01. 9.15- in classrooms A304-307, A308-309 (Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 3rd floor)

    See MyCourses -page for schedules. Follow also messages in Announcements and in your -mail.

    Teachers of the course are:

    Jukka Lehtinen,

    Hanna Saarikoski,


    We follow Aalto guidelines regarding the coronavirus situation, and we will also react to possible updates to the guidelines during the course. 

    We require that face masks be used during the course in all spaces and situations where other people are present, unless prevented for personal health reasons. If you forget to bring a mask, you may obtain one from the lobby services of the building. General hygiene requirements are in force: we will exercise good hand hygiene, maintain distances and not come to the campus if feeling ill.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Studio B, the assignment to do individually, submission Sunday 6.2.

      Artistic notes on sustainable development:

      Aalto University is committed to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of its teaching. 
      As a common theme for the  independent assignment all Studio B - courses have 

      Sustainability Development Goals (SDG:s): Gender Equality, 12 Responsible Production and Consumption, 13 Climate Action.

      Your task is to explore how these goals can be part of our artistic thinking and process.

      Read the instructions carefully first, the assignment consist two part.

      Part I : Collective work ( during 10.1 - 31.1 )

      – Sketching and developing your individual, independent work happens collectively, in groups of 3-4 students. 

      – Each group gets a sketchbook, and circulates it collecting notes and sketches from everyone in the group.  In the beginning we discuss together what is the best tempo to switch turns and other practical details, to ensure fluent and equal workflow.

      – Each group starts with creating an agreement how to collaborate, collect the notes and artistic ideas and how to use their sketchbook. "Rules" of the book should be included to the notes.

      – Artistic notes can combine free flow of ideas, drawings, scribbles and doodles as well as focused visual or written studies, quotes, diary like-notions etc. Your style and technique is free.

      – During the process you should update content you created also to My Courses, Digital Notebook. Before giving the notebook to the next in your group, pick some favourite notes you made, and post them in our digital notebook. This way we can follow the process all together too.

      Part II, Individual conclusion ( during 31.1 - 6.2 )

      – Create your final conclusion based on all material you find inspirational. You can already see if your ideas could turn as a proposal of public artwork, but it can be light and sketch like for now. Style and technique is free.

       Submit the documentation of your work from Part II  here no later than Sunday 6.2.

      On Monday 7th February, we'll have a group discussion and presentations, and we'll take a look on all notebooks created as well.

      As a help and inspiration for your work you can use the materials from the Inspiration bank in MyCourses. Links are grouped under titles: