Topic outline

  • General


    Interaction Design (IxD) is a project-oriented course on user-centred concept design and interaction design. We are organizing it in two equally sized, independent splits - L (Lucero) and S (Salovaara). This split is determined by the teachers before the beginning of the 1st lecture, with a division into groups that do not differ from each other.

    Both splits have similar outcomes, weekly contact hour times, and grading principles. The split into the two parts improves the possibilities for interaction between students and the teachers in the lectures and tutoring meetings.

    The course can be completed entirely online. In project work the students are free to organize themselves so that they can meet also face to face if they find it useful.

    Teaching times and arrangements

    In both splits, the weekly contact teaching times will be Mondays 9-12 and 13-17, as well as Fridays 13-17.   These meetings will be Zoom-based. 

    The different splits will meet in their own Zooms, unless otherwise indicated. The splits have their own MyCourses sections where the Zoom links and the learning materials can be found.

    In addition, we strongly recommend that on Week 2 (17-21 January), you make yourselves available for mornings at 9-10 each day. That week contains a Google Design Sprint ( that has a day-by-day schedule. We will be publishing the detailed course program at the latest 3 weeks before the first lecture (i.e., 20 December).


    The course grade will be determined by the group work and individual active participation in lectures and group tutoring meetings. To pass the course, the student needs to participate in at least 80% of the contact teaching (lectures and tutoring) events in the course, and has to be an active group member.


    With 8 study credits (216 hours) in one study period, this is an intensive course. Week 2 (17-21 January) has the heaviest workload because of the Design Sprint that takes place on that week. We conclude the course on 6th week Friday (18 February).

    Weekly workload is approximately following:

    Week Contact teaching
    (Mon 9-12, Mon 13-17, Fri 13-17)
    Individual work Group work Reflection
    (time to think, 20%)
    1 Lectures 9
    Tutoring 0.5
    Lecture preparation, reading 4 Varying activity 14 8 35.5
    2 Lectures (incl. morning meetings Thu-Fri) 9
    Tutoring (daily brief meetings) 3.5
    Lecture preparation, reading 0 Varying activity 24 3 39.5
    3 Lectures 9
    Tutoring 0.5
    Lecture preparation, reading 4 Varying activity 14 8 35.5
    4 Lectures 9
    Tutoring 0.5
    Lecture preparation, reading 4 Varying activity 14 8 35.5
    5 Lectures 9
    Tutoring 0.5
    Lecture preparation, reading 4 Varying activity 14 8 35.5
    6 Lectures 9
    Tutoring 0.5
    Lecture preparation, reading 4 Varying activity 13 8 34.5
    Total 60 20 93 43 216
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