MUO-E3041 - Designing for Services, Lectures, 13.9.2021-22.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 22.10.2021 Search Courses: MUO-E3041
Topic outline
Warm welcome to the Designing for Services course 2021!
We will be updating relevant course information in Mycourses keeping in mind the current restrictions of the pandemic situation in Finland.
Please visit the syllabus for more information about the course. All classrooms and links for online lectures below in Time schedule.
When you have any questions regarding the course practicalities, for example if you are not able to attend the class physically, please address them to teaching assistant Annukka Svanda annukka.svanda at She will gladly reply to any concerns.
IMPORTANT! This course is a 10 credit Master level course and it requires full presence for the six weeks time. We strongly recommend not to have any other courses simultaneously. In addition to the lectures on Monday afternoons and Wednesday and Friday mornings, the course has a case study project in collaboration with the City of Espoo that will require active group work and presence on other times of the week. Please consider also your future group members when planning your possible other time schedules so that you are available for meetings. For any questions, please contact us.
Time schedule
We will be having lectures ONLINE through Zoom and IN CLASS when the lectures will be in class at Otaniemi campus and accessible through Zoom for those who are not able to attend the lecture for reasons related to the pandemic situation, such as being in quarantine or not able to travel. We are excpecting the students to inform us with a valid explanation if they are not able to attend the lectures marked IN CLASS . All online activities are in this Zoom-link click here.
Week 1 Dive into the topic
13 Sept 2020 13.15-17 IN CLASS Room (click link for map) R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Introduction to the team, course themes and assignments, organising teams
15 Sept 2020 9.15-12 ONLINE Introduction to partners of Espoo, briefs of the cours projects, and meeting with the partners
9.15-10 briefs presented
10-10.15 discussion together
10.15-10.30 break
10.30-11.45 groups in separate zoom-rooms with partners
17 Sept 2020 9.15-12 In CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Lecture: Doing research in the design of services / Literature reflection (DL Preliminary Research Plan)
Week 2 Field research
20 Sept 2020 13.15-17 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Lecture: Designing for services & codesign / Tutorials: Fieldwork
22 Sept 2020 9.15-12 ONLINE Lecture: On participation. Guest speaker Kirsikka Vaajakallio
24 Sept 2020 9.15-12 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Lecture: Research analysis tools and methods / Literature reflection (DL Learning Diary 1)
Week 3 Frame your action
27 Sept 2020 13.15-17 ONLINE Lecture: Service blueprints and customer journey frameworks / Tutorials: Analysis
29 Sept 2020 9.15-12 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Lecture: Digital service propositions and service ecosystems
1 Oct 2020 9.15-12 ONLINE Mid-Term Presentations and feedback
9.15 Start of the meeting
9.20 group 1, Omaespoo for non-finnish speakers
9.50 group 2, Omaespoo for socially excluded young adults
10.20-10.30 break
10.30 group 3, Eurocities
11.00 group 4, Service center back stage
11.30 group 5, Service center front stage
Week 4 Insight and ideas4 Oct 2020 13.15-17 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Lecture: Objects of design in service design / Tutorials: Frame action
6 Oct 2020 9.15-12 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Lecture: Concept development tools and methods
8 Oct 2020 9.15-12 ONLINE Lecture: Designing with feedback / Literature reflection (DL Learning Diary 2)
Week 5 Synthesising & design interventions11 Oct 2020 13.15-17 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari
UPDATED Tutorial slots:
13.15 - 13.45 Tutorial: Group 1
13.45 - 14.15 Tutorial: Group 2
14.15 - 14.45 Tutorial: Group 3
14.45 - 15.15 Tutorial: Group 4
15.15 - 15.45 Tutorial: Group 5
16.00 - 17.00 Guest Lecture: Mari Suoheimo (Lapland University)13 Oct 2020 9.15-12 ONLINE Lecture: service design in practice. Netta Korhonen (Vinnova, Swedish Innovation Agency) Juha Johansson, Motley Agency)
15 Oct 2020 9.15-12 ONLINE Lecture & Workshop: Systems thinking
Week 6 Finalising
18 Oct 2020 13.15-17 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Rehearsals / Tutorials: Final presentation
13.15-13.45 team 5
13.45-14.15 team 2
14.15-14.45 team 4
14.45-15 break
15-15.30 team 1
15.30-16 team 3
16-17 free time for additional questions
20 Oct 2020 9.15-12 ONLINE Final Presentations
9.15 Start of the meeting
9.20 group 2, Omaespoo for socially excluded young adults
9.50 group 4 Service center back stage
10.20 group 5 Service center front stage
10.50-11 break
11.00 group 3, Eurocities
11.30 group 1, Omaespoo for non-finnish speakers
22 Oct 2020 9.15-12 IN CLASS R001/U135a (U7 PWC) Otakaari 1 Reflection and feedback (DL Report, Summary and Learning Diary 3)