SPT-E4050 - Transport Economics, Lecture, 10.1.2022-17.2.2022
This course space end date is set to 17.02.2022 Search Courses: SPT-E4050
Topic outline
Syllabus File PDF
Zoom link to lectures and office hours URL
Case Study presentation Assignment
Case Study - your comments on presentations Assignment
Lecture 11 (Feb 14): slides + Anderson (2014)
Lecture 10 (Feb 10): Cowie (Chapter 13, in particular: pages 319-334)
Lectures 7 & 9 (Jan 31, Feb 7): see slides
Lecture 6 (Jan 27): Cowie (Chapter 8), Veseth (Chapters 15)
Lecture 5 (Jan 24): Cowie (Chapter 10), Veseth (Chapters 14, 15)Lecture 4 (Jan 20): Cowie (Chapter 11), Veseth (Chapters 13, 14)
Lecture 3 (Jan 17): Cowie (Chapters 5, 6, 7), Veseth (Chapters 6, 8)
Lecture 2 (Jan 13): Cowie (Chapter 4), Veseth (Chapter 4)
Lecture 1 (Jan 10): Cowie (Chapters 1, 3), Veseth (Chapters 1, 3)
Announcements Forum
Policy Debate Assignment