
  • Allmänt

    • Here's the presentation schedule. We'll start at 1:15pm and go until the presentations are over

      4/21 (Room U113 Otto Stenroth)

      Eero (Rosenberg, Solan, Vieille, "Social Learning in One-Arm Bandit Problems")

      4/26 (Room 1004 Kyösti Järvinen)

      Janne (Green and Taylor "Breakthroughs, Deadlines, and Self-Reported Progress: Contracting for Multistage Project"),

      Mikael (Halac, Kartik, Liu "Contests for Experimentation")

      4/28 (Room U113 Otto Stenroth)

      Johannes (Harrison, Keskin, Zeevi, "Bayesian Dynamic Pricing Policies: Learning and Earning under a Binary Prior Distribution"),

      Tuomas (Bonatti "Menu Pricing and Learning")