CHEM-E4101 - Laboratory Work in Inorganic Chemistry, Lecture, 13.9.2022-13.10.2022
This course space end date is set to 13.10.2022 Search Courses: CHEM-E4101
Topic outline
Please note: The labs and the compulsory course CHEM-E4110 Quantum mechanics and spectroscopy are no longer overlapping! (The schedule of the theory course has been updated).
Despite the name, the course is a full laboratory course (no lectures)
Briefly, lab days are Tuesdays and Thursdays of the teaching period I. You will need 5-6 separate lab sessions to complete the experiments. One of the labs will take both the lab days of a same week, otherwise you can choose between the offered hours (daily space limit). In addition, exercises and a report must be submitted and approved to pass the course.
Some labs will take half a day, others a full day.
See also the introductory slides from its own section (requires logging in with an aalto account).
If you have any questions in mind, please contact Eeva-Leena Rautama (email or MyCo message).