LC-1114 - Communicating Technology (o,w), Lectures, 31.10.2022-12.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 12.12.2022 Search Courses: LC-1114
Topic outline
Below you will find the assignment instructions and submission boxes. All the materials needed for completing the assignments are available as attachments in the assignment instructions (e.g. templates to be filled in).
The deadlines are always at 23.55 on the given day, but please notice that the deadlines may fall on different days of the week as this course is intensive and the assignments often build on the previous assignment.Check you personal presentation rehearsal and conference schedule on the page below. You will participate in one rehearsal session with a small group and in one conference.
A1 Pre-course assignment: problems and solutions in your field of study (due before first class at 09.00 on 31.10)
A2 Introduction (problem-solution)11.11 (at 22.00) Submit File name as: A2-Surname-Firstname Assignment
A3a Description of the solution + intro before class (14.11) Turnitin Assignment 2
A3b Introduction+definition (revised) After peer-review in class (18.11) Assignment
Before submitting, rewrite and revise the first version (A3a) based on the feedback you've received on A2 as well as on peer feedback received in class on A3a and the aspects of formal style that you have learned about in Online module 1.
For this assignment, you will receive teacher feedback primarily focusing on cohesion and grammar.
After teacher feedback, you will add the conclusion paragraph and develop the text further into the final, complete recommendation report. When writing, give the text a final touch to make it comply with all the good principles of readability and appropriate style we have covered during this course.Submit File name as:
Submit your slides for your final presentation here before before your Final Presentation.
Final presentation Via Zoom