LC-1114 - Communicating Technology (o,w), Lectures, 31.10.2022-12.12.2022
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A4 A Recommendation (final version of the report) DL 12.22
Topic Recommendation
Pattern Problem solution,
extended definition
Audience Decision-makers,
Length 500-600 words
Graded 0-5
(20% of course grade)
Take the introduction paragraph and the extended definition, and write and add a conclusion paragraph (50-100 words). Merge the texts as a complete report recommending a
solution to a problem that has been detected in the current practices of your
- Use
the content from the previous assignments, but you can still modify, clarify,
and reorganise in any way necessary in order to create a coherent,
reader-friendly recommendation report (but remember to maintain all the
required elements and organisational patterns!)
- Apply all the principles of reader-friendly
formal writing that you have learned during this course
- Remember to provide appropriate in-text
references throughout the report in addition to including a list of references
at the end of the text.
THE final report must include the following:
INTRODUCTION (problem-solution, one paragraph, 150-200 words)
Situation - Provide wider
context and relevance of topic.
- Name the client to whom
you are addressing this recommendation.
- Explain the client’s
present situation or current practices.
Problem - State what is lacking/needed/unsatisfactory in the client’s current
- Name the solution that you recommend and link it to the identified
or need.
Evaluation - Name the main benefit that justifies the new
BODY (extended definition, defines the recommended solution, about 300 words)
- Define the
proposed solution in one sentence.
Extend the sentence definition
Describe the solution with 3-4 types of defining information.
CONCLUSION (one paragraph, about 50 words)
(Re)state the recommendation
- Synthesize
your main argument to justify the recommendation and link the
solution to the client’s problem/need
List of SOURCES you have used and IN-TEXT references to the sources.