Osion kuvaus

  • Landscape

    On week 4 of the WAT course we'll dive into water and environmental quality.

    The week consists of the following submitted tasks:

      • Thematic task: Home exam on Water and Environmental Quality (DL Friday 6.10. at 23:00)
      • Weekly exercise: Laboratory analysis (DL for presentation Friday 29.9. at 13:00, DL for report Wednesday 4.10. at 23:00)

    General schedule for the week is shown in the figure below, while the detailed schedule can be found soon below the figure.

    Overall schedule of the week

    • Detailed time schedule

      Monday and Friday sessions will be at Water Building's classroom. Laboratory sessions (Tue-Thu) will be held at Water Building's ground floor. All the necessary clothing and equipment for the laboratory work is provided by Aalto. 

      Monday 25.9. 

      9:00 - 10:15 Introduction to Water & Environmental Quality week, Prof. of Practise Ilkka Miettinen, Aalto University
      10:30 - 11:30 Water and environment quality

        • Contamination of water resources, Ilkka Miettinen, Aalto University
      Afternoon independent reading of the material for the home exam

      Tuesday 26.9.

      9:00-9:30 Introduction of the laboratory work (Group 1 in water building). Other groups can follow the introduction in Teams.

      Laboratory analysis sessions for groups 1-2

      9:30 - 12:00 Group 1 @ Water Building (Tietotie 1 E, Otaniemi)
      13:00 - 15:30 Group 2 @ Water Building (Tietotie 1 E, Otaniemi)

      Wednesday 27.9.

      Laboratory analysis sessions for groups 3-4
      09:00 - 11:30 Group 3 @ Water Building (Tietotie 1 E, Otaniemi) 
      12:30 - 15:00 Group 4 @ Water Building (Tietotie 1 E, Otaniemi) 

      Thursday 28.9.

      Laboratory analysis sessions for groups 5-6
      09:00 - 11:30 Group 5 @ Water Building (Tietotie 1 E, Otaniemi)
      12:30 - 15:00 Group 6 @ Water Building (Tietotie 1 E, Otaniemi)

      Friday 29.9.

      Morning: Finalization of the laboratory analysis presentations
      13:00 - 16:00 Presentations of laboratory analysis

    • Lecture material

    • Exercise material

    • Reading material

    • Reading material for your home exam on water and environmental quality

      As part of this thematic week, you must read the reading material listed below. There should be enough time to go the material through between Monday and Friday. 

      There will be a home exam (to be done electronically through MyCourses) related to the reading material and lectures, which closes on Friday 6.10. at 23.00. For more information, see the Turnitin Assignment "Home exam on Water and environmental quality".

      NOTE: You have to log into your Aalto account or be connected to Aalto's network in order to access the E-books (also VPN connection through AnyConnect should work, if not in Aalto network)!