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      The topics of lecture 5 continue.  The previous lecture slides still apply.

      -Example of Mixed Sensitivity Design

      - Fundamental restrictions of control

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      - Fundamental restrictions of control (previous slides)

      - Dynamic Programming and Linear Quadratic optimal control

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      - Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQ), discrete time and continuous time cases

      - Dynamic programming

      - The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation

      - Connection to Pontryagin's maximum principle

      -Slides of the previous lecture apply

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      - From previous LQ theory: adding an integrator in the control loop.

      - Chapter 6:  Introduction to multivariable control analysis:  The Relative Gain Array (RGA)

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      Chapter 6 applies:

      - Introduction to Relative Gain Array (RGA) analysis

      - Internal Model Control (IMC)

      - The Smith Predictor

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      -Introduction to Model Predictive Control

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      - LQG control

      - Robustness of LQ(G) control

      -Loop Transfer Recovery (LTR)

      - Formal Loop Shaping

      -End of lectures
