Topic outline

  • General

    ARTS-A0225 - Contemporary Drawing: 31.1.2024-27.2.2024

    Contemporay Drawing course starts on Wednesday 31.1. at 9.15  in classroom A304-307  (Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 3rd floor). 

    Follow MyCourses -page for schedules. Follow also messages in Announcements and in your -mail.

    Teachers of the course are:

    Marja Nurminen, 

    Hanna Saarikoski,


    This course is taught on campus. It is only possible to take part in this course by participating in contact teaching. 

    • Course completion requires at least 80% attendance and completion of assigned work given by the teachers by a specific deadline.
    • Make sure that you can at least attend 80 % of the course days. 
    • Make sure that you can participate on intensive period 19.-22.2. 2024
    • Make sure you can attend the course in both periods III and IV
    • You may only start the course if you aim to take credits on the course.

    Welcome to the course!

    • The following themes are addressed in the course: the relationship between the body and drawing, the relationship between urban environment and drawing, drawing and the social environment, memory and drawing and a conceptual approach to drawing.

    • We have built the course content around findings in Marja Nurminen's doctoral research (forthcoming) especially personal orientations towards drawing. 

      The course has an important intensive period 19th- 22nd of February (Monday-Thursday) when the students are working with their own project. Under the intensive period, there will be also guest lectures every morning.

    Assessment Methods and Criteria
    • Exercises, lectures, personal guidance, and independent work.

    • 88h contact teaching, 74h independent work

      Individual assignment ( Deadline 5.3.2024, although presentations on Wed 13.3.2024  ) is part of your 74h independent workload. 

      Study artists presented in our course materials: 

      – Vitamin D 1: new Perspectives in Drawing, Phaidon 2005, ( Emma Dexter )

      – Vitamin D 2: new Perspectives in Drawing, Phaidon 2013, ( Colin Perry, Marina Cashdan, Carina Krause )

      – Vitamin D 3: Today's Best in Contemporary Drawing,  Phaidon 2021 ( Phaidon Editors )

      – On line: drawing through the twentieth century / Cornelia Butler, Cathrien de Zegher.   Butler, Cornelia H. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2010.

      ( Choose two artists you find inspiring. The artists should represent opposite approaches for example in their working methods, artistic expression, or themes they work with. Prepare a short presentation (max. 10 min ) of the artists including some examples of their work, your own analysis, and argumentation why you picked just these two artists. We'll have your presentations on Wed 13.3.2024 )