
    • Session 1

      Please find the materials here: 

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Submit the photos of your Strawman sketches here. 

      Each team only needs to submit ONE photo. Label your submission with your team number. 

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      Slide deck from session 1 Fil PDF
    • Session 2
      Daily dose of info: What do Prototypes Prototype? (stanford.edu)

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      Slide deck from session 2 Fil PDF
    • Session 3
      Elevator Pitch Instructions: 
      Each team will have maximum of 1 minute to pitch. There will be no slides. You will showcase your prototype. There will be 4 questions that we expect you to provide answers to: 
      •Who are you helping?
      •What is the problem?
      •How is it being solved right now?
      •How is your solution better than the alternatives?

      Daily Dose of Info
      Watch this video:

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
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      Slide deck from session 3 Fil PDF
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
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      Slide deck from session 4 Fil PDF
    • Session 5
      Watch this video on customer understanding by Sonja Hilavuo. 

      Daily dose of info: 
      1. Updated Empathy Map Canvas. We designed the Empathy Map at XPLANE… | by Dave Gray | Medium
      2. Diffusion of Innovation Theory (bu.edu)

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      Slide deck from session 5 Fil PDF
    • Session 6

      Extra materials to familiarize with sustainability

      Daily Dose of Info: 

      Planetary Boundaries


      Sustainable Development Goals


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      Slide deck from session 6 Fil PDF
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      Slide decks from session 7 Mapp
    • Session 8
      Daily dose of info: The Lean Startup | Methodology

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      Slide decks from session 8 Fil PDF
    • Session 9: 
      Daily dose of info: 

    • Session 10: 
      Daily dose of info: 

      Read this article on teamwork: Does Diversity Actually Increase Creativity? (hbr.org) 
      Go through these 50 questions to explore with a co-founder: Link here
      You can ask some of these questions during team formation or ask yourself to get to know what kind of co-founder you would be. 

    • Session 11

      Daily dose of info: Watch this video on The art of Innovation by Guy Kawasaki 


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      Slide decks from session 11 Fil PDF
      In this slide deck you will also find more instructions and information regarding the important dates of the teamwork process. Unfortunately, we did not have time to go through all of these slides today but I hope you can look through them before the next session. 
    • Session 12: Teamwork Principles by Jari Ylitalo and Satu Rekonen 

      Zoom Link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/63065077503

      Format: At least two breakout room discussions: 

      All students are encouraged to find a quiet space to have this session. We will ask you to have your cameras on during breakout room discussion and if you can leave them on for most of the lecture that will be amazing. Since there will be several discussions, we would insist that you should find a spot that is quiet and not in a public, crowded and noisy space. 

      Daily dose of info: The Five Principles of Effectuation 

    • Session 13: Coaching / Lab 1

      Zoom Link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69043586408

      Daily dose of info: Six Thinking Hats – De Bono Group

      Each team will have 30 to 45 minutes coaching session with the educators / instructors. Teams will make decisions with the assistance of coaches on their project direction. Coaches will facilitate discussion while help teams to set up tasks to meet their goal for the first review, mid-review and Demo Day. 

      Coaches will be expecting students to provide their opinions and ideas on these four topics: 

      • What is the problem? 
      • Who have this problem? 
      • How is/are the customer(s) solving this problem right now? 
      • How would the students plan to solve this problem? 

      All team members are required to be present. Since this will be a discussion focus session, we encourage all students to find a quiet spot for this 30-40 minutes coaching session. Each team is also expected to have their Entrepreneurial Outline ready, for this particular session due to the online nature, you can have it in a digital format. Coaches will aim towards helping the teams to realize what they can do realistically during this course and how to get there, and the teams will aim to have a better direction after the coaching session. 

      Coaching session 1 timeslots
      TimeTrack 1Track 2Track 3Track 4Track 5Track 6
      14:15 - 14:20Opening
      14:20 - 14:45Team 1Team 4Team 16Team 7Team 11Team 12
      14:45 - 14:55Break timeBreak timeBreak timeBreak timeBreak timeBreak time
      14:55 - 15:20Team 2Team 6Team 10Team 14Team 8Team 13
      15:20 - 15:30Break timeBreak timeBreak timeBreak timeBreak timeBreak time
      15:30 - 15:55Team 17Team 5Team 9Team 15Team 3
      15:55 - 16:00Debriefing

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      You can use this for now before the coaching session 1. 

    • Session 14: First Review

      Each team will present in their problem in 1 minute. You will receive quick feedback from teachers and our guest lecturer, Marco Mäkinen. Similarly to the coaching session, we will also focus on your problem via these 4 questions:

      • What is the problem the team is trying to solve?
      • How did you validate the problem?
      • What are the current conventions related to the problem?
      • How do you plan to break the conventions?
      If you have already built and tested your first prototype, please bring it to the first review for feedback. Your outline canvas should be filled to completion despite things are still ambiguous, it will help us to see what vision the team is having for the problem. You should fill the prototype canvas as you go so if you have already started to build, time to journal.

    • Session 15: Stakeholders and business model

    • Session 16: Coaching & Lab 2

      During the second coaching session, we will focus on these issues:
      1. Customer: Who is your customer? What is their problem? Why is it a problem for them and how much is it costing them in terms of cost, time and other quantitative attributes?
      2. Solution: What is your current solution? Have you started on build and test prototypes yet? If not, what is your plan and what is stopping you from building and testing? If yes, what data have you collected?
      3. Business: What business model are you adopting? What market are you targetting? How will you enter the market?
      We will have 9 coaches in total
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 6
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 5; 10:45 - 11:15 Team 8
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 9; 10:45 - 11:15 Team 14
                                         10:45 - 11:15 Team 7
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 10; 10:45 - 11:15 Team 11
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 12; 10:45 - 11:15 Team 15
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 16; 10:45 - 11:15 Team 17
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 1; 10:45 - 11:15 Team 2
      10:00 - 10:30 Team 4; 10:45 - 11:15 Team 13

    • Session 17: Impact analysis with Ant Schubert

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      We will use these tools during the lecture on 7th March. You can use these either digitally or in papers.
    • Daily dose of info:

    • Session 18: Mid Review

    • Session 19: How to present to different audience

    • Session 20: I Like I Wish

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      Digital version for "I like I wish" Fil PPTX

      Use this powerpoint document as a template for your discussion. Download and fill in according to the instructions provided by facilitators during the session.

    • Session 21: Coaching session 3
      Student teams will discuss:
      1. Prototype progress and validation through testing
      2. Business model and go-to-market plan
      3. Demo Day preparation: how to best showcase their project in the most interesting way possible

    • Session 22: Investment Simulations

    • Session 23: TBU

    • Sida icon

      Welcome to our video resource hub, where we've curated a series of insightful videos to boost your understanding of essential business concepts. Whether you're looking for a quick refresher or a deep dive into startup principles, you're in the right place.

      1st Video: "The ABCs of Startups and Business" by Jussi Mononen

      Explore key startup terminologies and principles with Jussi Mononen, a seasoned builder of successful companies.

      2nd Video: "Business Model and Market Fit" by Jussi Mononen

      Delve into startup business models and achieving market fit with the right product in this informative session.

      3rd Video: "Quick Words on VCs" by Jussi Mononen

      Gain valuable insights into the world of venture capitalists and their operations from Jussi's extensive experience.

      4th Video: "How Entrepreneurs Should Behave" by Oki Tåg

      Discover essential tips and wisdom on entrepreneurial behavior from Oki, a startup and work culture enthusiast.

      5th Video: "Understanding VCs and Market Size" by Lauri Kokkila

      Lauri Kokkila, a Partner at Inventure.VC, sheds light on what venture capitalists seek and the significance of market size in the startup landscape.

      6th Video: "Market Estimation" by Lauri Kokkila

      Learn about bottom-up market estimation and why it's crucial for entrepreneurs, as Lauri provides valuable insights in this session.

      These videos feature seasoned professionals and may even prepare you for upcoming guest speakers and simulation activities in Startup Experience. Enjoy!