Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer: Ilkka Leppänen (

    Teaching session Date Time* Textbook** chapters
    Lecture 1 Friday 26.4.2024 14-16 1-3
    Lecture 2 Monday 29.4.2024 14-16 4-5
    Lecture 3 Friday 3.5.2024 14-16 6-9
    Lecture 4 Monday 6.5.2024 14-16 11-15, 19
    Lecture 5 Wednesday 8.5.2024 10-12 17, 18, 22-24
    Lecture 6 Monday 13.5.2024 14-16 15
    Case session 1 Tuesday 14.5.2024 16-19
    Case session 2 Wednesday 15.5.2024 16-19
    Case session 3 Friday 17.5.2024 9-13
    * Lectures and case sessions start 15 minutes past the hour
    ** Raiffa: Negotiation Analysis; see also Materials => Extra reading

    Note: participation in the lectures is highly recommended, and participation in the case sessions is mandatory

    Link to online Raiffa's textbook at Aalto Library / Another link