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  • Welcome to Consumer Research

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    • <-- Please begin by reading the Syllabus and Assignment instructons on the left-hand-side tab Lectures and materials

      Course schedule
      3.9. Intro to course and consumer research (NOTE! MONDAY)

      Literature review, how to read articles (NOTE! WEDNESDAY)

      14.9. Conducting interviews
      19.9. Experiments (guest: Petra Paasonen)
      21.9. Survey research (guest: Sanna-Katriina Asikainen)
      28.9. Presentation I: Introduction of research phenomenon (NOTE: 17-19.30) (Guests: Hannu Uotila/Sailer and Juho-Petteri Huhtala)
      3.10. Behavioral perspective to consumer research: heuristics and biased
      5.10. Behavioral perspective to consumer research: attitudes and emotions
      10.10. Behavioral perspective to consumer research: motivation
      12.10. Behavioral perspective to consumer research: curiosity (video lecture)
      24.10. Presentation II: Research design (NOTE! 17.19.30) (Guests: Hannu Uotila/Sailer and Juho-Petteri Huhtala)
      31.10. Cultural perspective to consumer research: consumer culture
      2.11. Cultural perspective to consumer research: Social class and marketplace communities
      7.11. Cultural perspective to consumer research: identity and gender
      9.11. Consumer resistance
      14.11. Deviance and consumption
      16.11. Sustainable consumer behavior
      21.11. Modes of consumption - from ownership to access-based
      23.11.  Consumer behavior in digital environments
      30.11.  Poster session (Final presentation) (NOTE! 17-19.30) (Guests: Hannu Uotila/Sailer and Juho-Petteri Huhtala)