A!Peda Intro 57 (English) Autumn 2023
Topic outline
Targets of the group work
- To learn about some new pedagogical topic yourselves and to utilize that knowledge (or materials) later on in your own teaching, when usually you would not have so much time to get acquainted with teaching methods/pedagogical concepts. Take advantage of this time in the course!
- To offer your peers new learning experiences on a topic they would not know so much/ OR with your material wake up their interest to use something new in their own teaching.
- To activate and teach your peers online, and hopefully in an engaging and exciting way.
As a result you will end up with two things
1. The actual teaching material
Familiarize yourselves with the topic that you have chosen to work with. You are free to precise the topic a lot more and choose a perspective that you are interested in.
Then plan and produce a teaching material online that teaches something that you have learned and found especially useful to the other participants in this course. The material can be a video, a podcast, an infographic, a comic strip, a web site, a game, a challenge, an assignment - your radically creative minds (and time resources available) set the boundaries!
2. A video (max 5 min) where you summarise...
a) your working. How did you end up with that topic, how was it to work together, what worked well and what didn´t...
b) the key learning in your material. What should we learn from it?
You can freely choose how you make the video: Panopto is obviously the recommended tool for sharing the video in Aalto, but feel free to use Teams, Zoom, mobile phones etc. for recording and editing.
DL: 27.10.2023. You will hand in your peer group work in week 43 so that you´ll have time to look at and comment on other groups´ works before the course end. Plan accordingly.
- The topics are quite large - you as a group decide & can make your topic more narrow (based on your group's mutual decision).
- You should in some form include a list of references into your presentation = a list of those articles/books/internet links etc., which you used when preparing this.
- Afterwards, the list is a good help for you and all of your peers in the course when you have some time to go back to these topics (e.g. when renewing your own course's methods).
Due: Wednesday, 8 November 2023, 5:00 PM
- To learn about some new pedagogical topic yourselves and to utilize that knowledge (or materials) later on in your own teaching, when usually you would not have so much time to get acquainted with teaching methods/pedagogical concepts. Take advantage of this time in the course!