Topic outline

  • JOIN-A0005 International Student Tutoring

    Welcome to the course JOIN-A0005 International Student Tutoring!


    Are you a tutor for:

    • exchange students, or 
    • students who study in a Master’s level programme taught in English, or
    • students who study in a Bachelor’s level programme taught in English (Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology, Bachelor’s Programme in Design, Bachelor’s Programme in Economics)

    → Then you are on the right page!

    If you are a tutor for students who study in a degree programme taught in Finnish, please see the course JOIN-A0004 at Course: JOIN-A0004 Opiskelijatuutorointi | MyCourses (

    Start with self enrolment:
    Enrol yourself for the MyCourses course space of JOIN-A0005 International Student Tutoring by clicking on the "self enrolment" button (itserekisteröityminen in Finnish) on the right hand corner of the Syllabus site. If you haven't logged in to MyCourses system, you are directed to log in first. After logging in to MyCourses system, the self enrolment option is available to you and you can self enrol for the course space without a password. 
    After you have done the self enrolment for this course space, you can access all of the materials and can submit course tasks!

    Please note that if you wish to receive course credits for the course JOIN-A0005, you will also need to enrol for the course JOIN-A0005 in Sisu. The course enrolment in Sisu starts in August 2024. Read more in the section Course credit and tutor compensation 

    We are happy to have you on board with us in creating the international community at Aalto! Feedback from the previous years prove that your part in the lives of new Aalto students is essential. That’s why we want to thank you already at the beginning of our journey together. Let’s make the Aalto experience amazing right from the start!


    On this course space for JOIN-A0005 you will find the following sections:

    • Course credit and tutor compensation: requirements and instructions for two options of being an international student tutor, option 1) receiving both course credit and tutor compensation and option 2) only receiving the tutor compensation, FAQ about course credit and tutor compensation
    • Prematerials: the self study materials and a mandatory quiz to complete before attending the tutor trainings
    • Tutor trainings: information about the two tutor trainings required from an international student tutor (basic tutor training and international tutor training), how to enrol and mark your attendance in the tutor trainings, instructions for the reflection task
    • Compensatory tutoring tasks: how to complete the compensatory tutoring task and do the reflection task (this section is only required for tutors unable to attend the tutor trainings!)
    • Tutor report: how to write and submit the tutor report, submission folders for autumn semester tutor reports
    • Spring semester tutoring 2025: requirements and instructions for two options of being an international tutor in the spring, FAQ about course credit and tutor compensation, instructions and submission folders for required tasks (this section will be available later!)
    • Contact information: who to contact for different types of questions